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Enron Mail |
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Your message has been successfully relayed to the following recipients, but the requested delivery status notifications may not be generated by the destination. malcolmj@houston.rr.com --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=RSHAPIRO< To: malcolmj@houston.rr.com Date: Thursday, October 18, 2001 6:17:49 GMT Subject: <<FW: Wake up call<< <<FW: pic<< <<FW: Can of Whoopass<< <<FW: << <<FW: A note from Boeing corporation to Osama Bin Laden - enjoyable [Virus checked]<< <<FW: [Fwd: FW: BOMB LESSON #1]<< <<Another one......<< <<FW: Global Loss<< <<'I am an American'<< <<FW: Another Priceless<< <<FW: Kabul forcast<< <<FW: Pictures of worldwide support -- Very moving!<< <<FW: New geography<< << Americans Blaming America<< <<FW: THIS IS SWEET!!!!<< <<FW: Fw: New fishing spot<< <<FW: Good One<<