Enron Mail

Subject:E-Notes: FERC Offers Further Guidance on RTOs
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:31:41 -0800 (PST)

< <<...OLE_Obj...<<
< E-Notes provides regular briefings on new developments in global energy
< and public utility law.
< November 20, 2001
< Earlier this month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC" or
< "Commission") issued an Order Providing Guidance on Continued Processing
< of RTO Filings ("RTO Guidance Order"). This order was issued by the FERC
< in response to the RTO development efforts in the United States and
< comments received by the Commission at the public conferences held at the
< FERC from October 15 through 19, 2001, the open Commission meeting on
< October 24, 2001, and the Western Regional Infrastructure Workshop in
< Seattle, Washington on November 1-2, 2001.
< Elements of RTO Development
< The RTO Guidance Order states that further development and eventual
< completion of the RTO process will occur along two parallel tracks before
< the Commission. One track will address scope and governance issues
< through the pending RTO dockets following consultation with state
< commissioners. The other track will address business and process issues
< through the transmission tariff and market design rulemaking in Docket No.
< RM01-12-000. The RTO Guidance Order also provided important details
< concerning key elements of the RTO development process.
< Specifically, the Commission will:
< * issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("NOPR") on terms and
< conditions of interconnection services during January 2002 and a separate
< NOPR on interconnection pricing issues by April 2002.
< * use the pending RTO dockets to address current and future
< proposals for fulfilling the eight Order No. 2000 RTO Functions, including
< the numerous business models proposed for the administration of critical
< wholesale market operations;
< * create state-federal RTO panels to promote dialogue on RTO
< development between the Commission and state commissions;
< * actively seek advice from state commissioners concerning the
< composition of regional markets;
< * meet with investor representatives to better understand the
< financing of independent transmission companies and transmission
< construction;
< * perform addition cost-benefit analyses on RTOs to guide its
< efforts and to provide a quantitative basis for the appropriate number of
< RTOs.
< New Policy Shift
< The Commission has officially abandoned its December 15, 2001 deadline for
< RTO operation and will instead issue orders addressing pending RTO filings
< only after receiving comments from the appropriate state regional panels.
< Future RTO progress in each region will be governed by timelines to be
< established in future Commission orders. RTOs will be based on a sound
< business plan with substantive buy-in from a cross-section of market
< participants. With respect to the West, the RTO Guidance Order commented
< favorably upon the development of three Western sub-regional organizations
< bound by a workable seams agreement and operating under a larger umbrella
< organization.
< The terms of the RTO Guidance Order reflect the Commission's reaction to
< the drastic changes occurring in the electric power industry since the
< issuance of Order No. 2000 in December 1999. The cumulative and ongoing
< effects of the California crisis (including PG&E's bankruptcy and the
< bitter El Paso Natural Gas Company litigation), uncertainties in gas and
< power trading markets, and the business and regulatory factors underlying
< the tremendous disparity in levels of RTO development have influenced (and
< will continue to influence) Commission activity in this area. In stark
< opposition to the mandates of the past summer, the RTO Guidance Order
< depicts a Commission committed to pragmatic, cautious implementation of
< strategy devised through cooperation and collaboration with the states and
< industry.
< Future Commission action in RTO development will likely: (1) reflect
< conclusions reached through consensus and development that will increase
< the likelihood of substantive success and, importantly, more broadly
< disperse the political risk; and (2) emphasize increased market
< transparency to mitigate the volatility that has drastically shortened the
< time window for business failure in the electric power industry from a
< matter of years to a matter of weeks. The Commission will likely continue
< to investigate and respond to market activity and trends during future RTO
< development.
< This FERC order comes at a unique and pivotal moment in RTO development
< and will have an immediate and direct commercial impact upon business
< activities in the electric power industry. The Commission's next phases
< of RTO development will dictate business strategy for much of the
< foreseeable future and will have substantial and unprecedented impact upon
< the development of electric power markets and businesses operating in
< those regional markets well into next year.
< Michael J. Zimmer
< Jonathan W. Gottlieb
< Roger M. Gibian
< __________________________________________________________________________
< __
< E-Notes is a publication of Baker & McKenzie. It does not constitute
< legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances.
< The contents are intended as general information only. You are urged to
< consult your attorney concerning your situation and specific legal
< questions you may have. For further information on the subjects discussed
< in E-Notes, contact Michael J. Zimmer,
< mailto:michael.j.zimmer@bakernet.com or
< Jonathan W. Gottlieb, mailto:jonathan.w.gottlieb@bakernet.com.
< For more information about BAKER & McKENZIE and our global energy and
< utility practice, click on our electronic business card:
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< or visit our website at <http://www.bakerinfo.com/Practice
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