Enron Mail

Subject:FREE Debt Consolidation Info!
Date:Sun, 25 Nov 2001 09:14:24 -0800 (PST)

Are you sick of having to pay high interest rates on
your existing loans or credit cards?

Do you have too much month at the end of the money?

Now you can "regardless of your past credit history"
" Cut your monthly payments by 50% or more!
" Reduce your credit card debt by up to 60%!
" Slash your interest rates down to [as low as] zero!
" Keep More Cash every month!
" Stop creditors from harassing you now!
" Much Much More...

EVERYONE QUALIFIES. This is not a loan program

CLICK HERE for the facts and start saving money NOW! <http://www.wefundmortgages.com/debt30.html<;

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