Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Government Affairs Retainer Agreements
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:06:28 -0800 (PST)

Why don't you respond.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Alvarez, Ray =20
Sent:=09Monday, November 26, 2001 1:00 PM
To:=09Shapiro, Richard
Cc:=09Robertson, Linda; Novosel, Sarah
Subject:=09RE: Government Affairs Retainer Agreements

Rick, I had Legal (Steve Hall) look over the document and he was ok with it=
and thought it was quite a good deal. I will try to get it finalized this=
afternoon. The other significant CA items are Seabron Adamson's estimates=
; the first one was $25k and the second totals $167k (through issue 1). Sh=
ould I try to pin him down and cap the second estimate? We have pending in=
voices from him for $25k (relating to the first estimate) and $82k and $5k =
relating to the second. Ray =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Shapiro, Richard =20
Sent:=09Monday, November 26, 2001 10:10 AM
To:=09Alvarez, Ray
Cc:=09Robertson, Linda; Novosel, Sarah
Subject:=09RE: Government Affairs Retainer Agreements

Yes..Let's finalize asap. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Alvarez, Ray =20
Sent:=09Monday, November 26, 2001 9:09 AM
To:=09Shapiro, Richard
Cc:=09Robertson, Linda; Novosel, Sarah
Subject:=09RE: Government Affairs Retainer Agreements

Rick, please advise if I should proceed with finalizing the $200k fixed fee=
arrangement with Bracewell to carry us through the end of the CA proceedin=
g. (FYI we have an approximately $90k invoice pending that should be cover=
ed within the arrangement). Thanks. Ray

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dernehl, Ginger On Behalf Of Shapiro, Richard
Sent:=09Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:58 AM
To:=09Alamo, Joseph; Allegretti, Daniel; Allen, Joe; Alvarez, Ray; Ausenhus=
, Kara; Barnes, Lynnette; Bellas, Kirsten; Bestard, Jose; Binns, Darran; Bo=
lton, Scott; Boston, Roy; Buerger, Rubena; Burns, Stephen; Canovas, Guiller=
mo; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Comnes, Alan; Connor, Joe; Cooney, Carolyn; Dasov=
ich, Jeff; Decker, Larry; Dernehl, Ginger; Dressler, Jean; Floris, Vinio; F=
rank, Robert; Fromer, Howard; Fulton, Donna; Gottfredson, Bryan; Guerrero, =
Janel; Hamilton, Allison; Hardy Jr, John; Hartfield, Rita; Hawkins, Bernade=
tte; Hemstock, Robert; Hetrick, Nancy; Hoatson, Tom; Hueter, Barbara A.; Hu=
nter, Bevin; Huson, Maggy; Ibrahim, Amr; Kaufman, Paul; Kean, Steven J.; Ke=
ene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Kishigami, Kikumi; Knight, Laurie; Landwehr=
, Susan M.; Lassere, Donald; Lawner, Leslie; Lawrence, Linda L.; Leibman, L=
ara; Leonardo, Samuel; Levy, Alberto; Lindberg, Susan; Linnell, Elizabeth; =
Long, Chris; Mara, Susan; Maurer, Luiz; McVicker, Maureen; Migden, Janine; =
Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Moore, Bill; Nersesian, Carin; Neustaedter=
, Robert; Nicolay, Christi L.; Nord, Sue; Noske, Linda J.; Novosel, Sarah; =
O'connell, Earlene; Ogenyi, Gloria; Palmer, Germain; Perez, Carmen; Perez, =
Gus; Perrino, Dave; Petrochko, Mona L.; Pharms, Melinda; Reyna, Margo; Rish=
e, Frank; Rizzo, Helen; Roan, Michael; Robertson, Linda; Robinson, Marchris=
; Rodriquez, Andy; Ryall, Jean; Shapiro, Richard; Shelk, John; Shortridge, =
Pat; Staines, Dan; Steffes, James D.; Stephens, Sharonda; Stransky, Joan; S=
troup, Kerry; Stubbings, Randy; Sullivan, Kathleen; Sullivan, Lora; Thome, =
Jennifer; Tiberi, Fino; Twiggs, Thane; Walton, Steve; Warner, Geriann; Yeun=
g, Charles; Yoho, Lisa
Subject:=09Government Affairs Retainer Agreements

Please send out Notices of Termination by November 30, 2001 for all retaine=
r (fixed payments) agreements (lobbying, legal, consulting, etc...) We nee=
d to end all payments as of December 31, 2001. Thank you very much.

Ginger Dernehl
Administrative Coordinator
Global Government Affairs
Phone# 713-853-7751
Fax# 713-646-8160