Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Softwood Lumber Update #21
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 08:20:36 -0700 (PDT)

are we letting racicot go? (see reference to him below)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Landry, Kimberly =20
Sent:=09Thursday, October 18, 2001 9:19 AM
To:=09Scheuer, Robert; Crane, Bob; Allan, David; Biggerstaff, Finley; Burli=
son, Joe; Ruder, Romney; Tamm, Mike; Johnson, Jay; Jacobsen, John; Determey=
er, Peggy; Farlough, Marlon
Cc:=09Huson, Margaret; Yoho, Lisa; Reed, Andrea V.; Johnston, Robert; Thola=
n, Scott; DL-EIM Website; Helfrich, Christopher A.; Golden, Sally; Pizzolat=
o, Paul; Paipanandiker, Chetan; Lothe, Brittany
Subject:=09Softwood Lumber Update #21

It appears that U.S. and Canadian officials responsible for softwood lumber=
negotiations have agreed to "a framework for a deal, not a final deal." I=
n our last update, we relayed an unconfirmed source report that a political=
deal had been worked out on softwood lumber between the US and Canada. Ef=
forts to confirm this information were conducted, and our results refute th=
e existence of a firm deal. There is, however, a new political climate in =
wake of September 11th, and both Ottawa and Washington would like to resolv=
e the lumber dispute rather than have it continue on their radar screen now=
that they have other more urgent priorities. Deputy USTR Mary Ryckman has=
been quoted as saying "We are looking to an alternative to litigation." T=
o that end, Washington has appointed former Montana governor Marc Racicot a=
s 'envoy' for the US in negotiations. Thus, it appears that both countries=
have agreed in principle that a deal is preferable to litigation, though n=
o specific deal has been made and the litigation process will continue for =
now from both sides (the US petitions and the Canadian WTO actions). We wi=
ll continue to make appropriate inquiries on the negotiation process and re=
port information as it is received. Meanwhile, the following reminders and =
Bilateral talks are in progress this week in Vancouver, BC, though initial =
reports indicate that things are going slowly. Discussions center on BC's =
proposal for a new forest management policy (the details of which remain va=
The DOC's preliminary determination on AD has been postponed to October 30t=
h; there will be no further delays.=20
Bush's desire for a Free Trade Agreement in the Americas would be a trade a=
genda priority for which Canadian support would be important when the prese=
nt crisis eases, providing further incentive for the US to negotiate.