Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 13:55:49 -0700 (PDT)

DATE: October 17, 2001

TO: US-Malaysia Business Committee Members

FROM: Remy Nathan
Director, Malaysia Affairs
US-ASEAN Business Council
Tel: (202) 416-6707
Fax: (202) 289-0519
E-Mail: remy@usasean.org

RE: INFO: Malaysia Update

1. Ambassador Huhtala presents credentials
2. Bush-Mahathir Meeting at APEC confirmed
3. Report on USTR Zoellick's visit to Malaysia
4. Transcript of Interview with Malaysian Prime Minister
5. INVITE: 10/20/01 Malaysia-US Private Sector Dialogue at APEC in
6. INVITE: November 8-9 Malaysia Conference at Johns Hopkins SAIS in
Washington, D.C.

1. Ambassador Huhtala presents credentials

The new United States Ambassador to Malaysia Marie T. Huhtala presented
her credentials to the Acting Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal
Abidin on Wednesday. Ambassador Huhtala conveyed to Sultan Mizan
gratitude for Malaysia's condolences to the American government and
people following the Sept 11 attacks in New York and Washington, as well
as appreciation for Kuala Lumpur's continued support in the global
efforts to combat terrorism. She also expressed America's desire to
maintain and enhance the strong economic, political, defense, diplomatic
and cultural ties between Malaysia and the US.

The Council has worked with Ambassador Huhtala in the past in her
capacity as Director of the Office of Burma, Cambodia, Laos,
Thailand, and Vietnam Affairs, and most recently as Deputy Chief of
Mission in Thailand. Ambassador Huhtala assumes her post at a
time when, despite the media reports on possible anthrax spores in
letters from Malaysia and extremist protests against the US outside the
Embassy, we believe there is an excellent opportunity for US Malaysia
relations to improve considerably. We look forward to continuing
our excellent working relationship with Ambassador Huhtala and her staff
at US Embassy Kuala Lumpur.

2. Bush-Mahathir Meeting at APEC Confirmed

A spokesman for the Prime Minister's Department confirmed Tuesday that
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will hold a meeting with U.S.
President George W. Bush on the fringes of this weekend's Asian Pacific
Economic Co-operation meeting in Shanghai.

The US-ASEAN Business Council is seeking out members who wish to join a
call for President Bush to invite Prime Minister
Mahathir to visit the US in early 2002. Please refer your questions and
responses on this matter to the Council's Director of
Malaysian Affairs, Remy Nathan, using the contact information provided

3. Report on USTR Zoellick's visit to Malaysia

US Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick, the principal trade policy
adviser and chief trade negotiator for the Bush administration, visited
Malaysia on Monday, October 15, on his way to the APEC Dialogue in
Shanghai. While in Malaysia, Zoellick met with Prime Minister Mahathir
bin Mohamad, Minister of Trade and Industry Rafidah Aziz, and Minister
of Foreign Affairs Syed Hamid.

Zoellick conveyed to Prime Minister Mahathir President Bush's
appreciation for both condolences sent after the September 11 attacks
and Malaysia's support for the US since the attacks despite "the
internal challenges and tensions it has to deal with, which makes its
support more meaningful."

At a press conference, Zoellick further added that although the
Malaysian government has criticized US air strikes in Afghanistan, the
US-Malaysia trade relationship would not be affected and would continue
to be strong. "Our trade ties are based on close economic
relationships. The support we received in many areas will only
strengthen the nature of our relationship." Zoellick added that the US
views Malaysia as an Islamic country which could serve as a role model
for international leadership, progress, religious tolerance, and
economic development.

4. Transcript of 10/11 Interview with Prime Minister Mahathir bin

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad discussed the economic,
political and security implications of the terrorist attacks in America
on Sept 11 in a special interview on Malaysian television. A transcript
of this interview can be found at

More information on these issues can be found updated daily on the
Council's Malaysia page: www.us-asean.org/malaysia.asp.

5. INVITE: 10/20/01 Malaysia-US Private Sector Dialogue at APEC in

The Council has arranged for a private sector dialogue with key
Malaysian business representatives that will be attending the APEC
meetings in Shanghai. This event will be held in the Crystal 3 Room of
the Grand Hyatt Pudong Hotel from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday
afternoon, October 20. Space is limited and if you are interested in in
participating in this event, please respond via e-Mail to this note or
let either Remy Nathan (remy@usasean.org) or Ken Richeson
(kricheson@usasean.org) know by Thursday morning.

The Malaysian participants in this meeting are:
1. Mirzan Mahathir - Executive Chairman, Konsortium Logistik
2. General Tan Sri Hashim Ali - former Chief of Malaysian Armed
Forces (equivalent to Chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff)
3. Datuk Amirsham Aziz - CEO, Malayan Banking (Maybank)
4. Dato' Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis - Chairman, Tenaga Nasional
5. Tengku Mahaleel - CEO, Proton (ABAC Member)
6. Datuk Shahril Shamsuddin - President/CEO, Sapura
7. Tan Sri Azman Hashim - Chairman, Arab-Malaysian Banking Group
(ABAC Member)
8. Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew - Managing Director, Country Heights

6. INVITE: November 8-9 Malaysia Conference at Johns Hopkins SAIS in
Washington, D.C.

"Post-Crisis Malaysia: The Economic and Political Aftermath" - November
8-9 in Washington, D.C.

Members of the US-Malaysia Business Committee who would like to receive
an official invitation to attend this program, as well as a copy of the
preliminary agenda, should RSVP to Malaysia Committee Director Remy
Nathan using the contact information provided above no later than close
of business Friday, Oct. 26. A short description of the conference

"A few years ago Malaysia was considered an economic and political
success story. With political stability and impressive economic growth,
Malaysia was seen as a model for other developing countries and an
attractive location for foreign capital. In the wake of the 1997
financial crisis and the subsequent political crisis between Prime
Minister Mahathir Mohamad and his former Deputy Anwar Ibrahim, political
and economic conditions in Malaysia changed; economic growth slowed,
political uncertainty increased and the relationship between Malaysia's
traditional ally, the United States, became increasingly strained. By
drawing on experts and practitioners, this conference will examine the
effects of the financial crisis on Malaysian politics, the business
climate and US-Malaysia relations. In six hour-and-a-half panels,
speakers will discuss and evaluate the consequences of new domestic and
international conditions for Malaysian citizens, foreign investors and
US and Malaysian policy-makers. Special attention will center on the
effects of September 11th on Malaysia and US-Malaysia relations. This
forum is designed to promote a better understanding of contemporary
Malaysia in the United States and generate dialogue among persons
involved in policy-making and investment tied to Malaysia. The
conference incorporates a wide variety of perspectives, particularly
Malaysian views. The conference will generate a report that will be
widely circulated among participants and the business and policy-making
community at large."

If you need assistance in the region, please contact:

US-ASEAN Business Council, Singapore
Stephen Pattillo
Tel: [65] 339-8885
Fax: [65] 339-1982
E-Mail: srpasean@pacific.net.sg

US-ASEAN Business Council, Philippines
Philip Gielczyk
Tel: [632] 895-4333
Fax: [632] 895-3007
E-Mail: pgielczyk@pacific.net.ph

US-ASEAN Business Council, Indonesia
David Hutagalung
Tel: [6221] 573-0407
Fax: [6221] 574-4981
E-Mail: dhutagalung@usasean.org

For more information on Malaysia visit our website: