Enron Mail

Subject:INVITATION: Planning Meeting for US Visit of President Arroyo of
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 06:36:33 -0700 (PDT)

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DATE: October 25, 2001

TO: Members, Host Committee for President Arroyo Dinner
US ASEAN Business Council Members

FROM: Ernest Z. Bower
US-ASEAN Business Council
Tel: (202) 416-6713
Fax: (202) 289-0519
E-Mail: ebower@usasean.org
Best Business Briefing 24/7: www.us-asean.org

Philip Gielczyk
Director, Philippines Office
US-ASEAN Business Council
Tel: [632] 895-4333
Fax: [632] 895-3007
E-Mail: pgielczyk@pacific.net.ph
Best Business Briefing on the Philippines:

Re Invitation: Planning Meeting for US Visit of President Arroyo of
the Philippines
October 30, 2001 from 3-4:00 PM @ US ASEAN Business Council
a. Action Request for all Members: Survey on the Philippines
for President's visit (investment, training, education, community
activity, perceptions)
- Pls complete and return by November 7, 2001


You are invited to a planning session to discuss the planning for the
upcoming US visit of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (Nov
15-20, 2001). The meeting will be held at the US ASEAN Business
Council, 1101 17th Street, NW #411, from 3:00 - 4:00 PM on Tuesday,
October 30, 2001.

As you know, the Council has arranged President Arroyo's premier
speaking opportunity during this visit for Tuesday evening, November 20
in Washington, DC. Our Host Committee CEO's will meet with her and her
team privately before dinner that evening to discuss key issues and

Please identify your interest if you have a commercial transaction or
education/community project in the Philippines that you would like to
sign or emphasize during the trip. This could even be a human interest
story. We are putting together a package of "deliverables" , possible
"signings" for the trip, and a media kit. We will work with you to use
the information you provide according to your requirements and

This meeting will identify the Council members key messages for the
President, as well as possible deliverables. We will discuss our plans
to support and be engaged in the US Government package for the Arroyo
visit. We have already been invited to participate in that effort.

In preparation for the visit of the President, we would like to
emphasize the broad and deep engagement and contributions that our
companies make in the Philippines, and therefore I request your
assistance in completing the following survey. We are seeking best
estimates rather than exact or audited data. This information may be
used in our messages with the President, as well as in our media support
for the visit.

All information will be considered company confidential. No individual
companies or proprietary information will be made public. All questions
are optional, i.e. we will take the information you can provide. Please
complete this survey and return the email or fax to Chris Fedderson, 202
289 0519.

(Pls return to 202 289 0519 no later than November 7, 2001)

Company Name:

Total Investment in the Philippines:

Total Number of Employees in the Philippines:

Number of Expatriates in the Philippines:

Planned New Investment for 2002-03:

Total dollars spent on training in Philippines 2000-2001:

Total dollars spent on community building/education/charities to date,

Do you have a deal or activity in the Philippines you would like us to
highlight during President Arroyo's visit (if yes, please summarize in
25 words here and we will follow up):



If you need assistance in the region, please contact:

US-ASEAN Business Council, Singapore
Stephen Pattillo
Tel: [65] 339-8885
Fax: [65] 339-1982
E-Mail: srpasean@pacific.net.sg

US-ASEAN Business Council, Indonesia
David Hutagalung
Tel: [6221] 573-0407
Fax: [6221] 574-4981
E-Mail: dhutagalung@usasean.org