Enron Mail

Subject:Indonesia News Clippings from Tuesday, 23 October 2001
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:27:12 -0700 (PDT)

DATE: 24 October 2001

TO: US-Indonesia Business Committee Members

FROM: Walter Lohman
Director, Indonesia Affairs
US-ASEAN Business Council
Tel: (202) 416-6711
Fax: (202) 289-0519
E-Mail: wlohman@usasean.org

David Hutagalung
Representative, Jakarta, US-Indonesia Business Committee
Tel: [6221] 573-0407
Fax: [6221] 574-4981
E-Mail: dhutagalung@usasean.org

RE: Indonesia News Clippings

Attached are the news clippings from Tuesday, 23 October 2001. The
headlines are listed below. The attached link will connect you to the
articles' source website where you can access original copies of the
articles themselves.

The US-Indonesia Business Committee is regularly distributing news
clippings from the widest array of sources practical in an effort to
create a fuller picture of developments in Indonesia. We hope you find
them useful.


* The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Tuesday it would be
possible for the heavily indebted Indonesia to receive interest
rescheduling on top of principal rescheduling under a third Paris Club
deal which the government hopes to secure to ease the country's massive
debt burden. (Jakarta Post) www.thejakartapost.com.

* Indonesian Vice President Hamzah Haz on Tuesday proposed a managed
floating exchange rate for the rupiah, which has slipped again in recent
weeks. (Agence France Presse) www.afp.com.

* The House of Representatives finally approved on Tuesday a
long-awaited new oil and gas law, which will end the decades-old
lucrative monopoly of state oil and gas firm Pertamina. (Jakarta Post)

* Speaker of the People's Consultativ e Assembly (MPR) Amien Rais
expressed his support on Monday for several legislators' suggestions to
set up a special committee at the House of Representatives to probe the
alleged misuse of the State Logistics Agency's (Bulog) non-budgetary
fund. (Jakarta Post) www.thejakartapost.com

* Former Indonesian foreign minister Ali Alatas talks about regional
security in the 21st century in the second article of a two part
installment. (Jakarta Post) www.thejakartapost.com

* Angry Muslim students Tuesday beat up four people in an Indonesian
city after reports of the burning of an effigy of Osama bin Laden, the
man Washington blames for the September 11 terror attacks. (Agence
France Presse) www.afp.com

* The 44 survivors of the sea disaster off Indonesia in which at least
350 Australia-bound refugees have drowned called for those responsible
to be brought to justice. (Reuters) www.reuters.com