Enron Mail

Subject:Make big money sending emails...........
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 14:58:53 -0800 (PST)

You Could Search for a Year and Find Nothing Better!
Exciting New Home Based Business that can be operated part or full time usi=
ng E-mail=20

Read below to find out how you can live anywhere you want and use the Inter=
to earn an income that can support you in comfort for therest of your life =

This is perhaps one of the most interesting, exciting and profitable busine=
sses you will ever see. HERE IS HOW IT WORKS: (1) There are more than 3 mil=
lion businesses for sale - and thousands of them are easy to find on the In=
ternet.(2) There are also about 12,000 Public Companies and most of them wa=
nt to acquire or merge with a private business because it will improve thei=
r sales revenue, profits and increase shareholder value. The Mergers and Ac=
quisitions (M&A) business is no more complicated than putting together the =
private company Sellers and the Public Company Buyers - showing you how to =
become an M&A Matchmaker using E-mail is what we teach you. There are larg=
e Public Companies (NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ) and smaller Public Companies (OTC=
/BB). This means you can do big deals and small deals. One of our Associate=
s that started in January will earn $250,000 cash and $1 million in Public =
Company (AMEX) stock on his first deal. Another new Associate with no exper=
ience just completed her first deal and earned $300,000; she only started f=
ive weeks ago! Each deal is different and you may earn more or less.

This is one of the ?FFFF93hottest business opportunities in the country rig=
ht now. It has been written about in many leading business magazines. This =
is the only opportunity of its kind where you work directly with an Attorne=
y and an Investment Banker who can show exactly how to be successful in thi=
s exciting and very profitable industry. THERE IS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED - =
Just the ability to send e-mail from your computer and follow step-by-step =
directions.You will get complete assistance by phone, E-MAIL and fax for th=
ree years. The reason you will be successful is that every time you make m=
oney the Attorney and Investment Banker who help you share the profits with=
you. This way everyone is a WINNER.

For More Information=20

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