Enron Mail

Subject:McGreevey: New Support and New Momentum for Governor
Date:Sun, 28 Oct 2001 12:50:03 -0800 (PST)

In their final debate in the race for Governor and on the day that he
received the endorsement of every major newspaper in the New Jersey area,
Jim McGreevey once again showed that he is the clear choice to lead New

Jim McGreevey demonstrated throughout the debate that he will fight for New
Jersey's families, and that he shares their values on critical issues facing
our state. Jim McGreevey is the right choice to improve public schools, not
abandon them. He is the clear choice to make government more accountable,
not make reckless promises to drive up State debt.

He will provide the leadership necessary to ensure the safety and security
of our people. He will fight for drivers, not let auto insurance companies
decide how to control rates. He will protect a woman's right to choose; not
restrict it. He will continue to protect New Jersey's tough gun laws and he
will fight any attempt to weaken those laws.

On Election Day, voters will have a clear choice regarding who will provide
the right leadership for New Jersey's future. Jim McGreevey has shown time
and time again that he is the clear choice for governor, and he will provide
the responsible leadership this state deserves.

Steve DeMicco
Campaign Director

Paid for by McGreevey for Governor, Inc
Fights for New Jersey. Right for New Jersey.
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