Enron Mail

To:james.steffes@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com, robert.williams@enron.com,steven.kean@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, linda.robertson@enron.com, alan.comnes@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, susan.mara@enron.com, robert.frank@enron.com, sa
Subject:Preliminary Comments on Judge's Recommendation
Date:Tue, 10 Jul 2001 21:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

The attached preliminary comments were finalized and filed with the Commiss=
ion this afternoon, in order to provide FERC staffers a concise, effective =
statement of our position while they drafted the Judge's recommendation. I=
was able to schedule a meeting with Judge Wagner, at which Dan Watkiss and=
I stepped the Judge through the comments and hit the following high points=

1. The methodology of the June 19 order does not work and is totally inapp=
ropriate for marketers. If price mitigation is inevitable, the Judge shoul=
d formulate or make allowances for a workable methodology.

2. The Judge should recommend that the end result of any Commission order =
must be a just and reasonable finding for all periods, both prior to and af=
ter October 2.

3. All buyers, including Enron, should be entitled to refunds; not just th=
e State of California and its IOU's. Enron is a net purchaser in these mar=

4. Only the state administered spot markets should be subject to the metho=
dology, not bilateral contracts, OOM sales or sales to the DWR.=20

The details of these points appear in the attached document. The Judge was=
receptive to most points. He understood the problems that the June 19 met=
hodology presents for marketers and was agreeable to the notion that this s=
hould be addressed, perhaps in the context of the hearings that will form p=
art of his recommendation. He agreed that the actual buyers should receive=
refunds, and it was his understanding that only spot transactions should b=
e subject to the refund methodology. Although he agreed that the refund me=
thodology, once implemented, should yield just and reasonable rates, he fel=
t that this was outside the scope of his recommendation and that the matter=
was up to the Commission. The Judge spoke generally and no promises were =
made as to the content of his recommendations, but hopefully this insight w=
ill shed some light as to the outcome. I urged the Judge to recommend plac=
ing conditions to refunds, as the Commission did in its June 19 order with =
its RTO filing requirement. The judge was noncommittal on this, although h=
e did indicate that he felt refunds should be subject to offset.

Next steps include filing our detailed comments by Thursday. The Judge tol=
d us he would certify his recommendation to the Commission on Friday, and t=
hat the comments would accompany the recommendation. Thereafter, it is lik=
ely that the Commission would defer to the Judge's recommendation to hold a=
fast track evidentiary hearing of 60 days duration, to determine "unresolv=
ed issues of material fact". The scope of the hearing has not been determi=
ned, but will probably include cost issues and might serve as a vehicle fo=
r marketers to recommend an alternative methodology.