Enron Mail

Subject:Quality L.L.Bean Gifts, Hundreds Under $50
Date:Tue, 27 Nov 2001 08:19:36 -0800 (PST)

L.L.Bean quality products - the label of excellence since 1912 <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/local_nav_startgo.gif<

Gift Guide <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOT0Ar<

Holiday FavoritesGift Guide <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOU0As<
All the classics you'd expect, and all of this year's favorites.

FedEx <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/fedex.gif<

FedEx Shipping
Fast, reliable, guaranteed. We ship most orders by FedEx delivery within 24 hours, so they arrive just 2 to 3 days later.

Trouble viewing this page? Click here <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOV0At<.
Our Best-of-Holidays Catalog <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/blinker_headline_cat2.gif<
Fleeced-Cotton Cardigan <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/main_img.jpg<

There's still time to send great gifts this holiday season, but the days are slipping away. To help, our Best-of-Holidays catalog is in your mail this week - and includes over 200 gifts for under $50.

Click on images below to view just a few of these special selections.

Great Gift Ideas from L.L.Bean <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/products.jpg<
xx Men's Chamois Shirt <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOW0Au<
x Women's Comfort Fleece Crewneck <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOX0Av<
x Trail Model Fleece Vest
Men's <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOY0Aw<
Women's <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOZ0Ax<
x Bean's Fatwood <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOa0A5<
x Personal Organizer <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOb0A6<

Now at L.L.Bean <http://www.llbean.com/epromo/f01_besthol/images/nowatllb.gif<
xx InDepth Views
To get more information and see enhanced views of product features such as stitching and fabric close-ups, please click "InDepth" links highlighted in yellow on product pages.

InDepth <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOc0A7<
Fleece Vest <http://explore1.llbean.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=hFEK0BJXFN0BQl0bOd0A8<
InDepth pop-up window

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