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I will be more than willing to help. I will prepare a draft presentation for the 11:15- 12:15 slot. What I need = from you is the following: a) List of journalists to attend (names and organizations) b) The complete schedule for the day. Who will be presenting what, in which= sequence. This will help me fine tune the presentation c) Two or three key messages you would like me to convey.=20 d) Languages (e.g. presentation in Portuguese, slides in English, or both i= n English, etc.) Regarding item "c" , one of my favorite messages, on a high road approach, = is what I call the " virtuous circle of contracting". In very simple words,= I try to convey the message that regulatory reform has several elements, i= nvolving legal, technical, commercial and regulatory per se. Some of them m= ore visible than others. In the reform of the energy sector in Brazil some = of them have been taking care while others need further elaboration. Howeve= r, there is an important, oftentimes negleted cornerstone, which is contra= ct sancity. In the Anglo-Saxon culture, this sounds very obvious. However, = it is not so obvious when we start developing businesses overseas. Just to = illustrate this point, I am attaching a presentation recently delivered in = Brazil, which was very well received by Minister Parente, the energy czar. = It basically states that if Brazil wants to be serious about privatization,= electric reform and sector expansion, we have to respect contracts. The go= vernment should walk this talk. Most of the issues we are currently facing = in Brazil right now (Annex V, Wholesale Agreement, MAE price, Itaipu Excess= Energy, Spot price calculation, " Parcela A" pass-through, and many others= ) fit perfectly within this overall umbrella message.=20 A subsequent presentation, more focused on Brazil versus California Crisis = is also attached. Several Journalists in Brazil tend to jum to conclusions = by saying that because of the failure of the California experiment, we shou= ld stop ongoing reforms.=20 We may prepare a completely different one, but I think it is worth emphazin= g the concept of contract sanctity and how it has been systematically viola= ted. =20 Please let me know what the next steps should be LM -----Original Message----- From: =09Brockwell, Jennifer =20 Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 9:25 AM To:=09Maurer, Luiz Subject:=09Brazilian Journalists Luiz, International Public Relations is sponsoring a visit from a group of Brazil= ian Journalists from leading Brazilian Business Journals on Friday, October= 4. We would like someone from Government Affairs to speak to them concern= ing regulatory reform. Keith Miceli suggested we contact you. Enron Brazil is working hard to bring about regulatory reform in Brazil so = its trading and origination businesses can profitably operate. The Brazili= an media is an important opinion maker in the public policy debates on issu= es of interest to Enron. The purpose of sponsoring the visit of these Braz= ilian journalists is to increase rapport with key media representatives, bu= ild greater their understanding of the energy sector and foster news storie= s that are supportive and objective. We have a time slot available from 11:15 am until 12:15 am. This time slot= is flexible. Please let me know if you or someone from your group will be= available for this. Thank you. Jennifer Jennifer Brockwell Enron Corporate Marketing 1400 Smith Street Houston, TX 77002 713-345-7358 713-853-6790 fax jennifer.brockwell@enron.com