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Enron Mail |
Holy cow. Have you ever seen anything like this?
Lisa -----Original Message----- From: =09Fulton, Donna =20 Sent:=09Monday, August 06, 2001 2:53 PM To:=09Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Lawner, Leslie; Steffes, James D. Cc:=09Novosel, Sarah; Nicolay, Christi L.; Dasovich, Jeff; Yoho, Lisa; Thom= e, Jennifer Subject:=09CPUC v. El Paso The California affiliate abuse case of El Paso ended today when El Paso ref= used to bring CEO William Wise, and Chairman of the pipeline, John Somerhal= der to testify before the ALJ. The Judge had warned El Paso on Friday that= it must defend itself against the accusations set forth by the CPUC. Inst= ead, El Paso made a motion for summary judgement to the Judge. After a ver= y short recess, the Judge came back and denied the motion finding that the = CPUC had made its prima facia case and El Paso had failed to provide the fu= ll record to defend itself. Much of the evidence in the case was reviewed = by the Judge in camera and put into the record in a redacted format. The = Judge's Initial Decision is due October 9, 2001. The Judge made further co= mments that this was clearly a case of a pipeline and merchant affiliate de= aling both sides of a deal. The Judge indicated that information about all= aspects of the pipeline and merchant businesses was sent to Wise in memora= nda with minute detail with cc:s to Somerhalder.