Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Crude Oil Inventory
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:37:36 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: Hartfield, Rita
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:26 PM
To: Shapiro, Richard
Subject: RE: Crude Oil Inventory

They are separate reports that cover the same time period. API is put out by the American Petroleum Institute and is issued on Tuesday afternoon. EIA puts out their numbers on Wednesday. The weekly numbers reported in the two reports often vary and sometimes this variance is significant but over time the numbers in the two reports fall back in-line with one another.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shapiro, Richard
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:12 PM
To: Hartfield, Rita; Linnell, Elizabeth
Subject: RE: Crude Oil Inventory

Are the API and EIA reports seperate? cover same timeframes?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hartfield, Rita
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:57 PM
To: Shapiro, Richard; Linnell, Elizabeth
Subject: Crude Oil Inventory

US crude oil inventory information is compiled by API and by the US EIA DOE. Both utilize information collected from company surveys along with their own estimation methodologies. A recent EIA DOE report (attached) lists the information forms from which the EIA DOE collects data. A summary of API sources of data, collecting and auditing procedures, and estimation methodology utilized in publishing the API Weekly Statistical Bulletin can be obtained from API for $52. Please advise if you wish to obtain this API report.

<< File: 2001 1018 Accuracy of Petroleum Supply Data EIA.pdf <<

Rita Hartfield
Phone: 713-853-5854
Fax: 713-646-4702
Cell: 713-504-5428