Enron Mail

Subject:RE: FBI information regarding possible terrorist threat on West
Date:Thu, 1 Nov 2001 15:21:45 -0800 (PST)

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Buckle up and hold tight. Like I said before, you've got an immense amount=
of support and respect from your group, irrespective of the outcome. Man,=
who ever woulda thunk...

FYI: Calger came down from Portland to talk to the troops--he was pretty d=
arn tough on his criticism of old management (the one's who have left) and =
said the new team is pushing hard to clean things up and right the ship---h=
e did a pretty good job. Guess the question remains, Is the mess too big t=
o clean up?

Also, touch based with Jim when you get a minute re: meeting today with Edi=
son to try to get our money back. Edison is being an absolute *$#-hole. T=
heir bottom line, if you can believe it, is that WE OWE THEM money. The ar=
rogance is astounding. We're contemplating as an option recommending to you=
and management that we join with others and threaten to take Edison in inv=
oluntarily---just contemplating at this point, though. ??If you have any qu=
estions, just let me know. But essentially, the meeting followed along the=
outlines of the note I sent out a couple of days ago outlining Edison's po=
sition (which I'm re-attaching).??Best,?Jeff?? -----Original Message-----?F=
rom: =09Dasovich, Jeff ?Sent:=09Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:59 PM?To:=09Tr=
ibolet, Michael; Mellencamp, Lisa; Swain, Steve; Huddleson, Diann; Steffes,=
James D.; Curry, Wanda; Mara, Susan; Shapiro, Richard?Subject:=09Conversat=
ion with Fielder of Edison??The call was pretty tough. ?Quick side bar: Ed=
ison is very concerned about TURN getting a stay from the court on the EIX/=
PUC settlement .?At the start of the call, Fielder said that he'd fax me th=
e judge's ruling in the TURN appeal, but based on how the call went, I'm no=
t sure if he'll send it. ?As we conjectured sometime back, Edison is indeed=
talking about charging us (through a reduced PX credit) for our "share" of=
the undercollection.?Our "share" would be paid down through a reduction in=
the PX credit over the life of the settlement (presumably about 2-3 years)=
.?In short, with one hand Edison would pay us what they owe us; with the ot=
her hand, Edison would take it back.?Edison intends (as we conjectured) to =
base the amount of the undercollection owed by DA customers on the percenta=
ge of load they represent (e.g., if DA is (was) 10% of the load, they would=
pay for 10% of the undercollection).?We had a very "animated" discussion t=
hat went back and forth for some time. ?I told him that there's been some =
gross misunderstanding since his proposal simply doesn't track.?Fielder sai=
d that they believe their argument is solid.?Here's how we left it--he's go=
ing to get back to us by COB today or tomorrow and tell us what Edison's ca=
lculation is of our "share" of the undercollection.?We can discuss further =
on the call that Wanda's setting up for tomorrow.??If you have any question=
s between now and then, =09give a holler.??Best,?Jeff? -----Original Messag=
e-----?From: =09Dasovich, Jeff ?Sent:=09Monday, October 29, 2001 6:55 PM?T=
o:=09Dasovich, Jeff; Steffes, James D.; Mara, Susan; Tribolet, Michael; Mel=
lencamp, Lisa; Curry, Wanda; Williams, Robert C.; 'Mike Day (E-mail)'?Cc:=
=09Shapiro, Richard; Sanders, Richard B.; Sharp, Vicki?Subject:=09RE: Propo=
sed SCE Negotiation Strategy??Couple of additional pieces of information:??=
In conjunction with the issue paying ESPs past due PX amounts, Edison has a=
ffirmed that it will be making a proposal regarding how it wants to calcula=
te the PX credit going forward.?It remains unclear whether Edison will try =
to fold controversial issues into negotiations on getting paid past due PX =
credit amounts(e.g., PX credit contributed to undercollection and therefore=
DA customers should help pay down the undercollection; DA customers must p=
ay for stranded DWR contracts, etc.). ?So while Edison is making good nois=
es about wanting to settle (which is a certainly a step in the right direct=
ion), it's still unclear whether they intend to attach terms to the deal th=
at make the whole thing a nonstarter.?Got a call into John Fielder to try t=
o get answers to some of these questions.?Will report back when (and if) we=
get some answers.??Best,?Jeff?? -----Original Message-----?From: =09Dasovi=
ch, Jeff ?Sent:=09Monday, October 29, 2001 5:27 PM?To:=09Steffes, James D.=
; Mara, Susan; Tribolet, Michael; Mellencamp, Lisa; Curry, Wanda; Williams,=
Robert C.; 'Mike Day (E-mail)'?Cc:=09Shapiro, Richard; Sanders, Richard B.=
; Sharp, Vicki?Subject:=09RE: Proposed SCE Negotiation Strategy??With respe=
ct to past due PX credit amounts, Edison has told folks today that:??Edison=
will distribute a one-pager by mid-day tomorrow laying out its proposal fo=
r how to handle payment of past due PX credit amounts.?Edison is trying to =
meet individually with all ESPs prior to the Nov. 7th prehearing conference=
at the PUC to discuss and hopefully reach agreement with ESPs on its propo=
sal.?Edison hopes to make progress with the ESPs between now and the Nov. 7=
th prehearing conference, and if so, intends to tell the judge that the PUC=
should delay action on the complaints pending settlement.??We'll distribut=
e Edison's proposal as soon as we get it.??Best,?Jeff???