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Enron Mail |
Rick - Be proud of the leadership that you have shown in therecent weeks. =
It is greatly admired and appreciated. SM=20 -----Original Message----- From: =09Dernehl, Ginger On Behalf Of Shapiro, Richard Sent:=09Friday, November 16, 2001 12:11 PM To:=09'ken.e.randolph@dynegy.com'; Alamo, Joseph; Allegretti, Daniel; Allen= , Joe; Alvarez, Ray; Assad, Sergio; Assaf, Lisa; Ausenhus, Kara; Barnes, Ly= nnette; Bellas, Kirsten; Bestard, Jose; Binns, Darran; Bolton, Scott; Bosto= n, Roy; Braz, Gisele; Buerger, Rubena; Burns, Stephen; Canovas, Guillermo; = Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Comnes, Alan; Connor, Joe; Cooney, Carolyn; Cooper, A= dam N; Crowther, Mark; Dasovich, Jeff; Davies, Philip; Dawson, Paul; Decker= , Larry; Dernehl, Ginger; Dressler, Jean; Elms, Nick; Fitzgibbon, Tom; Flor= is, Vinio; Frank, Robert; Fromer, Howard; Fulton, Donna; Gottfredson, Bryan= ; Grimes, Michael; Guerrero, Janel; Haizmann, Jan; Hamilton, Allison; Hardy= Jr, John; Hartfield, Rita; Hawkins, Bernadette; Hemstock, Robert; Hennemey= er, Paul; Hetrick, Nancy; Hoatson, Tom; Huertas, Alfredo; Hueter, Barbara A= .; Hughes, Llewelyn; Hunter, Bevin; Huson, Maggy; Ibrahim, Amr; Imai, Makik= o; Kaufman, Paul; Kean, Steven J.; Keenan, Amber; Keene, Patrick; Kimura, T= akashi; Kingerski, Harry; Kishigami, Kikumi; Knight, Laurie; Landwehr, Susa= n M.; Lassere, Donald; Lawner, Leslie; Lawrence, Linda L.; Leibman, Lara; L= eonardo, Samuel; Levy, Alberto; Lindberg, Susan; Linnell, Elizabeth; Long, = Chris; Mara, Susan; Maurer, Luiz; McVicker, Maureen; Migden, Janine; Milano= , Pamela; Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Nersesian, Carin; Neustaedter, R= obert; Nicolay, Christi L.; Nord, Sue; Noske, Linda J.; Novosel, Sarah; O'c= onnell, Earlene; Ogenyi, Gloria; Palmer, Germain; Perez, Carmen; Perez, Gus= ; Perrino, Dave; Petrochko, Mona L.; Pharms, Melinda; Reis, Jose Lucio; Rey= na, Margo; Rishe, Frank; Rizzo, Helen; Roan, Michael; Robertson, Linda; Rob= inson, Marchris; Rodriquez, Andy; Ryall, Jean; Sampaio, Fred; Shapiro, Rich= ard; Shelk, John; Shortridge, Pat; Staines, Dan; Steffes, James D.; Stephen= s, Sharonda; Stransky, Joan; Stroup, Kerry; Stubbings, Randy; Styles, Peter= ; Sullivan, Kathleen; Sullivan, Lora; Thome, Jennifer; Tiberi, Fino; Twiggs= , Thane; Van Biert, Teun; Walton, Steve; Warner, Geriann; Watanabe, Mika; W= ood, Doug; Yeung, Charles; Yoho, Lisa Subject:=09Government Affairs Organization Announcement With the announcement of Enron's acquisition by Dynegy behind us, and with = the initial severance process completed, it seemed an appropriate time to e= ffect some organizational changes so that we as a group are better prepared= to meet the challenges of the future. Before I turn to the organizational= changes, I would like to say a few words about those who will be leaving t= he company as a result of the initial severance (you'll know who they are b= y their absence on the organizational chart): Leading and being a part of t= his group has been a privilege?I am thankful for every day that I have had = that responsibility and thankful for however long I continue to have the re= sponsibility. This sense of privilege and thankfulness is primarily driven= by having had the opportunity to get to know and care about such a dedicat= ed group of professionals and support staff and who, to a person, are also = very decent and good people. To say good-bye to some of our colleagues is = not easy. I want to, on behalf of all of us, thank them for their hard wor= k, their integrity, their decency, and the good times and laughter that we = shared. I trust that many of us will find ways to sustain friendships that= have been and will continue to be very special. Thanks to each of you who= are leaving for all you have done. As to the organizational structure, it has become increasingly apparent to = me that the existing organization, with a mix of groups organized along fun= ctional and regional lines (particularly within the U.S.), has impeded our = ability to get things done in the most efficient fashion at times. The nee= d to rationalize the organizational structure, in order to consolidate all = U.S. energy functions, is a strong need from my perspective. As a result, = Jim Steffes will lead the U.S. Energy group along with Sue Nord, who will j= ointly report to Jim and myself. Sue will assist Jim in the leadership of = the group and take on project management responsibilities as warranted to h= elp Jim shoulder a significant burden. Also reporting to Jim will be a lea= dership group for U.S. Energy that will be as follows: Wholesale Electrici= ty will be led by Christi Nicolay; Retail Electricity and Natural Gas will = be led by Harry Kingerski; Wholesale Gas will be led by Leslie Lawner. La= st, but not least, Jeff Dasovich and Sue Mara, who will continue to focus o= n California energy issues, will report to Jim. (Sue Mara will also be part= of the Wholesale electricity team). Steve Montovano, who will continue to report to me, will lead a commercial = development effort along with Dan Allegretti. With the elimination of the regional groups, I also recognize that there is= a need to continue to focus on how we as a group address our political/leg= islative needs across the U.S. Paul Kaufman will lead a small group that w= ill address that need and that will focus on state political support. Paul= will also take the lead for Government Affairs in support of corporate dev= elopment efforts across the U.S. Much of the rest of the group remains the same. Linda Robertson will conti= nue to lead the Washington group with Sarah Novosel, who reports to Linda, = taking the lead role in our coordination of activities at FERC. Amr Ibrahi= m will continue to lead the support of the Global Assets group and also con= tinue to manage the Risk Analytics function. Maggy Huson will take over su= pport of the non-energy business units, which are as follows: Global Market= s, Industrial Markets, Networks, and Broadband. Rob Hemstock will continue= to lead the support of Enron Canada. Paul Dawson, who heads up government= affairs for Europe; Sergio Assad, who heads up government affairs for Sout= h America; and Mike Grimes and Mark Crowther, who head up our Asian efforts= , will continue to jointly report to the business units and myself. I am also forming a North American leadership group for Government Affairs = to provide policy guidance for the larger group and the company. That Comm= ittee will consist of Rob Hemstock, Maggy Huson, Amr Ibrahim, Paul Kaufman,= Harry Kingerski, Leslie Lawner, Steve Montovano, Christi Nicolay, Sue Nord= , Sarah Novosel, Linda Robertson, Jim Steffes and myself. We will also con= tinue to have an RCR Committee that will consist of Maggy Huson, Harry King= erski, Sue Nord, Linda Robertson, Jim Steffes & myself. Finally, I am form= ing a Dynegy/Enron regulatory approvals working group that will consist of = Jose Bestard, Paul Dawson, Paul Kaufman, Sue Nord, Sarah Novosel and myself= . No organizational structure or set of organizational changes is either perf= ect or permanent. I believe these changes will make us better and more pre= pared for the future. However, we must be prepared to further adjust as th= e future unfolds for the company. One final note: I am deeply sorry that each of you has had to live through = this uncertain and troubled period for the company. We are all saddened by= the recognition that we are in the midst of changes that will leave our gr= oup fundamentally altered, but we must resolve to do our best for each othe= r and ourselves during this period of change to ensure that what emerges, f= or those of us who do remain a part of the new Dynegy, reflects the excelle= nce and integrity that has characterized our group. Personally, I will do = all I can, for as long as I can, to steer the group through this to the ver= y best place possible. Your continued dedication and support is very much = appreciated. Hang in there and thanks. << File: govntaffsamericas 11-01.ppt <<