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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL JOURNAL'S TECHNOLOGY DAILY PM EDITION is now available at http://nationaljournal.com/pubs/techdaily/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERNOON HIGHLIGHTS: WHITE HOUSE: Cyber-security adviser Richard Clarke listed the creation of an early-warning network for cyber attacks among his priorities. WHITE HOUSE: Richard Clarke hopes to revive a plan for tracking patterns of computer activity and intrusions at all government agencies. BROADBAND: The prospects for a House vote on a bill to spur the rollout of high-speed Internet services remain in doubt. COURTS: An Internet filtering law set for Supreme Court review has not aroused the protests that greeted a related law the court overturned in 1997. TECH DAILY AFTERNOON FEATURE: Issue of the Week: Senior Writer Teri Rucker looks at the uncertainty that surrounded the Senate vote on the Internet tax moratorium. Click here to go directly to the feature - http://nationaljournal.com/pubs/techdaily/features/issues/issu011126.htm TODAY ON NATIONALJOURNAL.COM: -- DAYBOOK: What's Ahead This Week http://nationaljournal.com/members/calendar/ -- POLL TRACK: Opinion Archives On Key Issues And Campaign 2002 http://nationaljournal.com/members/polltrack/ ---------------------------- To stop receiving these E-mail Alerts: Reply to this message and include the word "unsubscribe" (without quotes) in the BODY of the message. ---------------------------- National Journal's Technology Daily is published daily by National Journal Group Inc. For more information about National Journal Group's publications, go to http://www.nationaljournal.com.