Enron Mail

Subject:The Next Debate!
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:56:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Thursday, October 18th, Jim McGreevey will once again show New Jerseyans
why he is the right choice for Governor.

The third debate between McGreevey and Schundler is set for Thursday night,
at 8:00 on Channel 8 (CN8). It will take place at Rowan University and will
be televised live.

After the debate, you can show your support for Jim McGreevey. Here are
three things you can do:

1. Immediately after the debate on CN8, from 9:00-10:00 pm, call into "It's
Your Call With Lynn Doyle." The topic of the show will be the debates.

2. Check the CN8 website as they will probably have a daily poll asking
viewers which candidate won the debate. www.cn8.com

3. Listen to the radio before and after the debate, 101.5FM and call in
whenever they are talking about the candidates. 1-800-283-1015

It is important for all of us to remind listeners and viewers that Bret
Schundler wants to take $600 million away from public schools for a private
school network, allow people to carry concealed weapons in our communities
and take away a woman's right to choose, even in the cases of rape and
Paid for by McGreevey for Governor 2001, Inc.
Fights for New Jersey. Right for New Jersey.

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