Enron Mail

Subject:US Transmission Industry Report
Date:Sat, 24 Nov 2001 05:17:09 -0800 (PST)

Energy Info Source is privileged to offer its best-selling US Transmission
Industry Report.


The report is a comprehensive 550-page, four-part study of the U.S. Transmission
industry. The report takes a wide-ranging look at changes in the industry
with a heavy emphasis on FERC's drive for RTOs. A major component of the
report is detailed analyses of the FERC-mandated RTO filings.

Topics covered in Volume One (published November 2000) include:
- The History of Transmission
- Impact of FERC Orders 888/889 on Transmission
- FERC's Push Toward ISOs and RTOs through the Merger Approval Process
- Creation and Development of TransCos and GridCos
- Analysis of FERC Final Rule: RTO 2000
- Detailed Discussion, Analysis and Comparison of October 15, 2000 RTO
Filings - including Innovative Rate Treatments
- Listing of All FERC Dockets and Policy Statements Regarding RTO Participation
- Easy Access Side-by-Side Comparison of RTO Filings
- Maps of Territories

Topics covered in Volume Two (published January 2001) include:
- Detailed Discussion, Analysis and Comparison of January 15, 2001 RTO
Filings - including Innovative Rate Treatments
- Discussion of FERC Action on October 15, 2000 RTO Filings
- Analysis of Supplemental RTO Filings by Major TransCos
- Summary of the FERC Investigation into the Bulk Power Markets
- Tracking of California's Wholesale Market Problems
- Summary of NERC Reliability Assessment 2000
- Easy Access Side-by-Side Comparison of RTO Filings

Topics covered in Addendum One (published April 2001) include:
- Analysis of FERC Conditional Approval of GridSouth TransCo
- GridSouth's Request for Clarification on FERC Order
- Analysis of FERC Conditional Approval of GridFlorida TransCo
- Analysis of FERC Conditional Approval of RTO West
- Analysis of FERC Rejection of Southern Company's SeTrans GridCo
- Analysis of FERC Directed Changes to Southwestern Power Pool/Entergy
Hybrid RTO Proposal
- Analysis of FERC Approval of Alliance Compliance Filing
- Update on Alliance and Midwest ISO Settlement

Topics covered in Addendum Two (published October 2001) include:
- The History of FERC RTO Activities
- Analysis of Southeastern RTO Mediation Report
- Analysis of Northeastern RTO Mediation Report
- Update on RTOs - Alliance and Midwest
- Update on TransCos - ITC, TransLink, and WestConnect
- Easy Access Side-by-Side Comparison of Southeastern RTO Alternatives

The report comes in Hardcopy printed form or as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file
sent via E-mail or on CD ROM. The entire four part set is only $999.

For more information about the report or to order, click on the following
link or call us at 888-986-2250 (303-986-7449 in Canada or overseas).
We accept Visa/Mastercard/American Express.


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Energy Info Source, Inc.
email: eismail@energyinfosource.com
phone: 888-986-2250