Enron Mail

Subject:Utility-Scale Green Power
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 08:44:35 -0700 (PDT)

Energy Info Source is privileged to offer its Utility-Scale Green Power
Report, a comprehensive 175-page study of the International green power

The report takes a wide-ranging look at the past, present, and future state
of utility-scale green power, and both individually and collectively addresses
the technologies of Biopower, Geothermal, Ocean Power, Photovoltaics, Concentrating
Solar, and Wind.


Topics covered in the report include:
- The Key Technologies Being Used or Planned for Utility-Scale Green Power

- The Economics of Utility-Scale Green Power and its Market Potential
- Historical and Current Use of Utility-Scale Green Power on a National
- Government Policies and Incentives in Support Of Utility-Scale Green
- The Use of Green Pricing Programs
- A Discussion of Recent Projects to Build Utility-Scale Green Power
- Profiles of 24 Utility-Scale Green Power Manufacturers, Developers, and

Energy Info Source's Utility-Scale Green Power Report includes over 60
charts, tables, and schematics that provide a wealth of cost, market, and
technical information on utility-scale green power.

The report comes in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and is available via email,
CD-ROM or Hardcopy for $699.

To order click on the following link or call us at 888-986-2250 (303-986-7449
overseas or in Canada). We accept Visa/Mastercard/American Express.


If you want to be removed from our mailing list or for more information:

Energy Info Source, Inc.
email: eismail@energyinfosource.com
phone: 888-986-2250