Enron Mail

Subject:World Energy Congress
Cc:linda.robertson@enron.com, lisa.yoho@enron.com
Bcc:linda.robertson@enron.com, lisa.yoho@enron.com
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:18:05 -0700 (PDT)


Is anyone from government affairs attending the World Energy Congress next week in Buenos Aires (Oct 21-25)? I have been working with the EGM Clean Energy Solutions group on DOE funding initiatives for various pollution control technologies, and they were told that the conference would be a good opportunity to informally mention these efforts to incoming Asst. Sec for Fossil Energy (Mike Smith?)

If someone from your team is going, I'd like to put them in touch with the folks at EGM.



Jeff Keeler
Director, Environmental Strategies
Enron Corp
(203) 245-0828 office
(203) 464-1541 cell