Enron Mail

Subject:Your tax rebate check was just the beginning
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 14:16:30 -0800 (PST)

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The tax rebate check you received recently was just the beginning. To get the additional tax savings you're entitled to under the new tax laws, this is one year you're going to want the most authoritative guidance you can get.

That's why you need TurboTax Deluxe.
Completely updated to help you optimize
tax savings under the new tax laws.

TurboTax Deluxe for Tax Year 2001 is designed to help you maximize tax savings under the new tax law changes - and streamline tax preparation. Recently, we mailed you a special announcement about all the tax-saving features included in this year's TurboTax Deluxe. If you haven't received it as yet, please watch your mail to find out more about important TurboTax Deluxe benefits:

NEW Tax Law Advisor shows how the Tax Relief Act will affect you in 2001 - and helps you plan smart tax strategies to prepare for future provisions. Instant Data Entry automatically retrieves W-2 wage, 1098 mortgage interest and 1099 investment data from participating employers and financial institutions, then enters it in the right forms - eliminating manual data entry and simplifying tax preparation. <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/dag.gif< <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/dag.gif<

Plus, as a valued TurboTax customer, you're entitled to over $64.00 in FREE rewards:

FREE TurboTax State Download - a savings of $29.95! Order TurboTax Deluxe direct from Intuit <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/reg.gif<, and you'll be able to quickly download your FREE TurboTax State product right from within your federal program! If you prefer to have your State software shipped, the cost is just $5.95.
FREE <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/spacer.gif<Electronic filing via rebate with all TurboTax 1040 products. E-filing is the easiest way to file your return and the fastest way to get any refund you may be due. One federal e-filing is yours FREE after mail-in rebate - a $12.95 value!*
FREE <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/spacer.gif<Gift! Choose any TurboTax federal product and get Trivial Pursuit <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/reg.gif<Millennium Edition for Windows on CD-ROM FREE - a $9.99 value! <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/dag.gif<Plus...
Extra <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/spacer.gif<FREE Gift for online orders. Get a Relaxing with the Classics Music CD when you order online. It's an $11.95 value! <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/dag.gif<

Get the help you need to claim the tax breaks you deserve. Just click here <http://turbotax.0mm.com/tax021040+1591192< to order TurboTax Deluxe - and enter Priority Code 1591192 to get all your FREE rewards. If your tax return doesn't require the extra guidance and tax-saving features included in the TurboTax Deluxe program, choose the regular version of TurboTax. Either way, please order today. With all the new tax breaks, why wait?

Bob Meighan, CPA
Vice President, Consumer Tax Group

P.S. Don't miss out on your FREE rewards worth over $64.00!

P.P.S. If you've already ordered, please disregard this notice - and thanks for choosing TurboTax!

* Your federal product shipment will include a 30-day mail-in rebate coupon good for a refund of the price paid for the electronic filing of one federal return for Tax Year 2001 (excluding any applicable phone or sales tax charges).

<http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/gdag.gif<Free gifts are included in the federal product shipment.

<http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/gdag.gif< <http://image.0mm.com/32127/2001/1019-1/gdag.gif<Some Instant Data Entry participants include: Ceridian, ProBusiness Services, Inc., and PeopleSoft for W-2 import (check with your employer for information about your payroll processor); Countrywide Home Loans for 1098 import; and Fidelity Investments, INVESCO Funds, TD Waterhouse, T. Rowe Price, and The Vanguard Group for 1099 import. An updated list of all Instant Data Entry participants will be available at www.turbotax.com <http://www.turbotax.com<;. Requires online access to your account information.

IMPORTANT: Intuit respects the personal nature of e-mail communication. Every effort is made to offer only information that may be of value to you or your business. If you do not wish to receive marketing e-mail from Intuit in the future, please click here <http://email-intuit.0mm.com/tax021030+rshapiro@enron.com<.

If you would like to change your e-mail address in our database, please click here <http://email-intuit.0mm.com/tax021031+rshapiro@enron.com<.

This e-mail was sent to the following address: rshapiro@enron.com

? 2001 Intuit Inc. Intuit, Quicken and TurboTax are registered trademarks of Intuit. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

Please reply by: November 15, 2001.



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