Enron Mail

To:linda.robertson@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, john.shelk@enron.com,larry.decker@enron.com
Subject:NDN and DLC
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 03:08:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have been called by Simon Rosenberg at the NDN. He said that things are
deteriorating for many of his members who want to take a balanced approach on
the crisis. He said their internal polling have energy issues and their
impact on the environment on thee top of the priority list in the New Dem
districts. Simon reported the surge in interest in energy is shocking. He
said Lieberman may have come out early in support of price caps and
investigations...but others may follow.

Chuck Alston with the DLC called the same day to tell me that they are
hearing similar concerns from several New Democrats and Chuck said they may
be pushed into supporting cost-of-service-based rate making. He and Will
Marshall REALLY do not want to do this. I told him that we would oppose this
and that we wanted to work with them to find other solutions.

Note that the NDN is hosting an energy event in late June where we will be
listed as co-host as an executive committee member. I told Megan that making
it a fundraiser was not a good idea, instead make it a membership recruitment

----- Forwarded by Chris Long/Corp/Enron on 06/01/2001 09:56 AM -----

Megan Hess <mhess@newdem.org<
06/01/2001 09:23 AM

Subject: NDN Energy industry event

NDN is planning an energy industry breakfast for June 21st at the AGA. We
have several Members of Congress on board and are pushing to get at least
one Senator. There has been some debate on how to do this event. We're
wavering between couching it as a NDN members only event (hence making it a
fundraiser) or we can open it to all energy companies (hence making it a
prospecting event.) I thought I would run this by you and get your thoughts
on it. Any feedback you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Megan Hess
New Democrat Network
501 Capitol Ct., NE, #200
Washington, DC 20002
202.544.9200 x228
202.547.2929 fax
New address starting June 18th:
777 North Capitol Street, NE
Suite 410
Washington, DC 20002