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Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Michael Reddy" <Mreddy@epsa.org< X-To: <acomnes@enron.com<, <bernadette.hawkins@enron.com<, <carin.nersesian@enron.com<, <christi.l.nicolay@enron.com<, <donna.fulton@enron.com<, <janelle.scheuer@enron.com<, <jhartso@enron.com<, <john.shelk@enron.com<, <jsteffe@enron.com<, <linda.j.noske@enron.com<, <linda.robertson@enron.com<, <Ray.Alvarez@enron.com<, <rebecca.w.cantrell@enron.com<, <richard.shapiro@enron.com<, <sarah.novosel@enron.com<, <Susan.J.Mara@enron.com<, <tom.hoatson@enron.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_Nov2001\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf MEMORANDUM TO: Regulatory Affairs Committee Gas Issues Working Group FROM: Jim Steffes, Regulatory Affairs Committee Chair John Orr, Gas Issues Working Group Chair Julie Simon, Vice President of Policy Jack Cashin, Senior Manager of Policy DATE: June 12, 2001 RE: EPSA Draft Comments on Commission's Proposed Reporting Requirement on Natural Gas Sales to California Market ?Comments to EPSA by Friday, June 15th, 12:00 p.m. (EST) ?Filing Due June 18th Attached are draft EPSA comments in response to the Commission's proposed requirements on natural gas sales to the California market. The Commission is proposing that market participants (including pipelines and LDCs) submit quarterly reports on price and volume data on physical transactions. EPSA's comments focus on four key issues: ?The reporting requirements represent an unnecessary burden; ?The information requested has proprietary and confidential aspects; ?Increased reporting requirements will not adequately address gas infrastructure needs in California; and ?If reporting requirements are imposed, a sunset date should provide a definite end to the filing obligation. As discussed on the Gas Issues Working Group call on June 7th, members asked that EPSA file these comments. Comments are due at FERC on Monday, June 18th. In order to ensure we file on time, please forward any comments by noon on Friday, June 15th to Jack Cashin at 202-628-8200 or jcashin@epsa.org. Attachment - CA NG Reporting.doc