Enron Mail

To:bhueter@enron.com, elizabeth.linnell@enron.com, harry.kingerski@enron.com,jmigden@enron.com, jsteffe@enron.com, marchris.robinson@enron.com, mona.l.petrochko@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, rboston@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, snord@enron.com,
Subject:Fwd: Pro-competition Media Campaign
Date:Fri, 18 May 2001 07:45:00 -0700 (PDT)

See attached.

Samantha M. Slater
Manager of State & Regional Affairs
Electric Power Supply Association
1401 New York Avenue, N.W.
11th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202-628-8200
Fax: 202-628-8260
E-mail: sslater@epsa.org
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 14:02:04 -0400
From: "Mark Stultz" <MSTULTZ@epsa.org<
To: "Neal Costello" <cpowerc@aol.com<,<chapmana@bp.com<, "Bill Highlander"
<highlander@calpine.com<, "Clare Miller" <C.Miller@constellation.com<,
<jmpierce@duke-energy.com<, <dafi@dynegy.com<, "Gloria Quinn"
<quinngj@edisonintl.com<, "Mark Palmer" <mpalmer@enron.com<,
<ldaspi1@entergy.com<, "Karen O'Neill" <karen.oneill@greenmountain.com<,
<buddy.eller@mirant.com<, <DMcfarlan@MWGen.com<, <David.Mould@neg.pge.com<,
"Lisa Franklin" <lisa.franklin@neg.pge.com<, "John Giesser"
<jgiesser@newenergy.com<, "Joseph Bizzano" <joe.bizzano@nrgenergy.com<,
"Trudy Marshall" <Trudy.Marshall@nrgenergy.com<, "Vincent Ragucci"
<vincent_ragucci@ogden-energy.com<, <Kristen.Ludecke@pseg.com<,
<Richard_wheatley@reliantenergy.com<, "Maureen Phillips"
<mphillips@ridgewoodpower.com<, "Martin Quinn" <mquinn@ridgewoodpower.com<,
<cwgriffi@seiworldwide.com<, "Applebaum, David" <dapplebaum@Sithe.com<,
<wwhopkins@tecoenergy.com<, <fferraro@wm.com<
Cc: <GAC993@aol.com<,<JOwen@eei.org<, "Kimberly Blackburn"
<KBlackburn@epsa.org<, "Lynne Church" <LCHURCH@epsa.org<, "Simone Byrd"
<SByrd@epsa.org<, "Samantha Slater" <SSLATER@epsa.org<, "Marty Wilson"
Subject: Pro-competition Media Campaign
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To EPSA's Public Affairs & State Issues Committees:

We're just a few companies short of our necessary threshold for launching
creative and production work for our voluntary paid-media campaign in support
of the pro-competition lessons from California.

Joining us so far in this effort are: AES NewEnergy, Duke Energy North
America, Dynegy, El Paso Merchant Energy, Enron, Mirant, NRG Energy and
Reliant Energy. We also are coordinating with the Edison Electric
Institute's third-party earned-media efforts in the Northeast and West, as
well as with the earned- and paid-media efforts of the Chamber of Commerce
Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth in support of a new national energy

To help expedite the process, we will schedule an initial conference call for
Thursday, May 24, for the pro-competition campaign funders. I'll forward the
call-in details next week to the participants.

We will be reviewing the messages and potential audiences, and get a time
line for deliverables from Public Strategies Inc.

Thanks to all of you for your consideration and support for this special

Mark S.