Enron Mail

To:brendan.devlin@enron.com, jan.haizmann@enron.com
Subject:Information on European Energy Council; 30th Annual Commission
Date:Thu, 17 May 2001 10:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: paul.dawson@enron.com, paul.hennemeyer@enron.com, doug.wood@enron.com,
richard.shapiro@enron.com, nailia.dindarova@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Bcc: paul.dawson@enron.com, paul.hennemeyer@enron.com, doug.wood@enron.com,
richard.shapiro@enron.com, nailia.dindarova@enron.com
X-From: Peter Styles
X-To: Brendan Devlin, Jan Haizmann
X-cc: Paul Dawson, Paul Hennemeyer, Doug Wood, Richard Shapiro, Nailia Dindarova
X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_June2001\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf

Nailia and I are taking care of circulation of relevant material from Energy
Council of Mon. and Tue. this week. She is also following the EU-Russia
energy dialogue.
Would either of you like to flip through the 135 page Competition Report and
let others in the group know your conclusions (in less than one side A4!!)?
By the way, you should meet each other, as soon as Brendan makes it to London
or when Jan next comes to Brussels.

---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Styles/LON/ECT on 05/17/2001 05:09
PM ---------------------------

Nailia Dindarova
05/15/2001 03:17 PM
To: Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Information on Energy Council

Please see the documents from Amaia including Council Conclusions plus
Competition Policy Report.
---------------------- Forwarded by Nailia Dindarova/LON/ECT on 15/05/2001
14:03 ---------------------------

Amaia BeteluBazo <Amaia.Betelu@citigatepa.com< on 15/05/2001 14:07:53
To: "Nailia Dindarova (E-mail)" <Nailia.Dindarova@enron.com<
cc: Thierry LeBeaux <Thierry.Lebeaux@citigatepa.com<

Subject: Information on Energy Council

Dear Nailia,

Please find attached the first conclusions of the Energy Council which took
place yesterday. You will note that the Council intends to take a position
on the proposals for the opening of the energy internal market by the
Barcelone Council in spring 2002. We will contact several permanent
representations and the Presidency of the Council to ask about Member
States' positions on this issue.

Attached you will also find the agenda for the EU-Russia summit on 17 May.

I also include the 30th Annual Report on Competition Policy which deals with
the competition policy in general and by sectors, issued today by the
Commission. The report states that competition in the energy markets will be
introduced if the following conditions are met:
* suppliers are free to compete for customers;
* customers are free to change suppliers;
* an effective, non-discriminatory and cost reflective TPA regime is
introduced and maintained.
The report also deals with the proposal for a new Regulation dealing with
articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, setting out the competition rules
applicable to restrictive agreements, decisions and concerted practices, and
abuses of dominant positions.

Would you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


<<MEMO- EU-Russia 15.05.01.doc<< <<MEMO- Results of the energy Council
14.05.01.doc<< <<XXX Report on competition policy.pdf<<

- MEMO- EU-Russia 15.05.01.doc
- MEMO- Results of the energy Council 14.05.01.doc
- XXX Report on competition policy.pdf