Enron Mail

Subject:Concerning Nailia Dindarova and David Gonzalez - Italy/ Spain
Date:Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

Latest on plans for Nailia and for David FYI. Look forward to seeing you in
London on Thursday.

---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Styles/LON/ECT on 07/10/2001 09:15
PM ---------------------------

Peter Styles
07/10/2001 08:05 PM
To: Sophie KingsleyLON/Enron@EUEnronXGate @ ENRON
cc: Paul Dawson/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON, Alfredo
Huertas-rubio/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON, Doug Wood/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON,
Paul Hennemeyer/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON

Subject: RE: As per our discussion

I should add to Paul D's explanation a footnote re help for Alfredo on Italy.
I have agreed with Alfredo, Paul D, Paul Mead and Eric Shaw that Nailia
Dindarova will spend approx. 30% of her time between now and the end of this
year supporting Alfredo on Italian electricity market regulatory work. For
this purpose Paul Mead will find a desk next to the Italian market traders
for Nailia, and she will spend up to three days each week in London rather
than Brussels over the six month period.

From: Sophie KingsleyLON/Enron@EUEnronXGate on 07/10/2001 01:09 PM GDT
To: Paul Dawson/Enron@EUEnronXGate, Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT, Alfredo
cc: Doug Wood/Enron@EUEnronXGate, Paul Hennemeyer/Enron@EUEnronXGate

Subject: RE: As per our discussion

Thanks Paul for the feedback, Let's keep looking in the market.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawson, Paul
Sent: 09 July 2001 14:54
To: Kingsley, Sophie; Styles, Peter; Huertas, Alfredo
Cc: Wood, Doug; Hennemeyer, Paul
Subject: RE: As per our discussion

Sounds fine to me. I've followed up with Alfredo, Peter and Doug, re, David
Gonzalez. I think our preference would still be to keep David for another
six months, while accepting that this does carry some risk in terms of
employment rights issues. David fills a valuable hole currently that it
would be very difficult to plug in the short term. That said, it will be
made clear to David that this is a final renewal and that he may want to
explore opportunities elsewhere within or outside of Enron. Meanwhile,
Alfredo is committed to using the six month period to recruiting someone
permanent to help him out on Spanish and Italian issues.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kingsley, Sophie
Sent: 09 July 2001 15:20
To: Styles, Peter; Huertas, Alfredo
Cc: Dawson, Paul
Subject: RE: As per our discussion


I have interviewed Esther, twice, and on both occasions reccomended that we
did not hire, so would not be supportive of moving her into the group as I do
not believe she has either the capaiblity to communicate effectively in
English or the business knowledge to make her useful to you.



-----Original Message-----
From: Styles, Peter
Sent: 09 July 2001 05:29
To: Huertas, Alfredo
Cc: Kingsley, Sophie; Dawson, Paul
Subject: As per our discussion

... I'm pretty clear that you will not have any vacancy suitable for Esther.