Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Potential Conflict-Multiple Pollutant Legislation
Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 11:11:10 -0700 (PDT)

We need to talk further. As I discussed yesterday, our concern goes well b=
eyond the limited question of NSR. I did not even raise a concern about ho=
w this representation might impact the multi-pollutant legislation, althoug=
h I believe Jeff Keeler may have raised this issue in his conversation with=
Scott. My concern is that Bracewell's representation of this coalition cr=
eates a real and, at a minimum, practical conflict with Enron's interest in=
electric transmission access and the full range of topics we have worked o=
n under Enron's retainer. All of our electric power and, for that matter, =
naural gas legislative and FERC issues are in direct conflict with EEI and =
Southern Co. I readily foresee a scenario where Enron's issues are in the =
very same legislative negotiations as NSR. I also am uncomfortable that du=
ring our strategy sessions we constantly discuss global energy (thus enviro=
nmental) strategy in conflict with Southern. Thus, at present, I do not se=
e how a "Chinese Wall" or any other conflict-related strategy can adequatel=
y protect Enron. Thanks for looking into this. Please let me know how we =
should resolve this to everyone's satisfaction. =20

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc F. Racicot [mailto:mracicot@bracepatt.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 2:02 PM
To: Robertson, Linda
Subject: Potential Conflict-Multiple Pollutant Legislation

Linda: Scott, Gene and I met this morning to discuss the potential conflic=
t issue you raised with me yesterday. I want to advise that Bracewell & P=
atterson does not represent a client or interest adverse to the passage of =
multi-pollutant legislation. If you want to discuss this further, please a=
dvise. Marc