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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Cynthia Sandherr X-To: Steven J Kean, Richard Shapiro, Darla Steffes, Joe Hartsoe, dwatkiss@bracepatt.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_June2001\Notes Folders\Federal legis. X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf Steve and Rick: I attempted to strengthen the latest draft of the Stakeholder letter per your instructions on our most recent conference call. Unfortunately, we have pushed to the point that APPA, the consumer groups and most utilities will no longer sign the letter per their e-mail below. It now looks like no letter will be sent. If you would like, Enron, EPSA, ELCON and ACC only can send a revised stronger letter or alternatively, just bag the idea. The utilities are split not wishing to let APPA appear more reliable then them. I will forward the MidAmerican letter for your files which does support our position per my request. I feel it is unfortunate that now APPA will send a strong support letter instead of signing our modified version. Per his request, I will meet with Congressman Wynn's Chief of Staff next week upon his return from vacation to discuss their strategy. thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron on 08/22/2000 05:16 PM --------------------------- "Cirrincione, Jane" <JCirrincione@APPAnet.org< on 08/21/2000 05:05:01 PM To: "Cirrincione, Jane" <JCirrincione@APPAnet.org<, "Kanner, Marty" <mkanner@kannerandassoc.com<, "'Adrienne Hahn (E-mail)'" <hhnadr@consumer.org<, "'Andrea Spring (E-mail)'" <aae@dellnet.com<, "'Barbara Burchett (E-mail)'" <bburchet@wrf.com<, "'Bill Libro (E-mail)'" <blibro@mnpower.com<, "'Charlie Acquard (E-mail)'" <cacquard@erols.com<, "'Cindy Bogorad (E-mail)'" <BogoradC@spiegelmcd.com<, "'Cynthia Sandherr (E-mail)'" <csandhe@enron.com<, "'David Keane (E-mail)'" <dnke@dynegy.com<, "'Deborah Sliz (E-mail)'" <dsliz@morganmeguire.com<, "'Donn Salvosa (E-mail)'" <dsalvosa@epsa.org<, Front Desk <office@kannerandassoc.com<, "'Gay Friedmann (E-mail)'" <gfriedmann@ingaa.org<, "'Gene Peters (E-mail)'" <gpeters@epsa.org<, "'Glenn R. Etienne (E-mail)'" <gret@dynegy.com<, "'Glenn R. Etienne (Business Fax)'" <IMCEAFAX-Glenn+20R+2E+20Etienne+40+2B1+20+28713+29+20507-6834@kannerandassoc< , "'Jeff Kramer (E-mail)'" <JKRAMER@aarp.org<, "'Jim Bruce (E-mail)'" <jbruce@wrf.com<, "'Jim McVaney (E-mail)'" <jim_mcvaney@americanchemistry.com<, "Nipper, Joe" <JNipper@APPAnet.org<, "'John Anderson (E-mail)'" <janderson@elcon.org<, "'John Sparkman (E-mail)'" <jssparkman@pplweb.com<, "'Katie Cullen (E-mail)'" <kculleniwsa@aol.com<, "White, Kristina" <ktwhite@kannerandassoc.com<, "'Larry Bruneel (E-mail)'" <Larry.Bruneel@wepco.com<, "'Mark Cooper (E-mail)'" <MarkCooper@aol.com<, "'Mark Yacker (E-mail)'" <myacker@elcon.org<, "Nolan, Michael" <MNolan@APPAnet.org<, "'Paulette Pidcock (E-mail)'" <paulette.pidcock@pge-corp.com<, "'Rhod Shaw (E-mail)'" <rshaw@alpinegroup.com<, "'Tobyn Anderson (E-mail)'" <tanderson@lighthouse-energy.com<, "'Tom Hill (E-mail)'" <thomas.hill@pge-corp.com< cc: Subject: Stakeholder Reliability Letter While we have been actively involved in the editing process for a stakeholder letter on reliability, I am writing to let you know of growing concern among APPA's membership that the draft stakeholder reliability letter still does not go far enough in representing our association's position in support of stand-alone reliability legislation in the absence of a comprehensive restructuring measure. While we know the draft was intended only to be kept in our "back pocket" for use if needed later in the session, we would not be able to endorse sending the letter in any event unless it was substantially strengthened to directly indicate support for a stand-alone reliability measure. Because it has become clear during the editing process that the group cannot arrive at consensus on that point, we would like to suggest that the group opt not to send such a letter, but instead have our individual organizations write their own letters that more accurately reflect their support or opposition on the question of stand-alone reliability. Thank you for your consideration. Jane. < ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager at postmaster@APPAnet.org. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. **********************************************************************