Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FW: Davis Slogans 2002
Cc:jdasovic@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, smara@enron.com
Bcc:jdasovic@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, smara@enron.com
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 02:54:00 -0700 (PDT)


I love it, but stop gloating about the fact you don't have to work on this
any more. Here's a web site you might enjoy -- I'm ordering my bumper
stickers today. Is one of your friends running the site?


Sue Mara
Enron Corp.
Tel: (415) 782-7802
Fax:(415) 782-7854

"Foster, Gary" <GFoster@Antigenics.com<
05/31/2001 05:14 AM

To: "Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<, "Sue Mara (E-mail)"
<smara@enron.com<, "Rick and Amy Shapiro (E-mail)" <rshapiro@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Davis Slogans 2002

thought you all would need a little cheer in your otherwise miserable
professional existence.

-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Pringle [mailto:Curt@curtpringle.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:44 PM
Subject: FW: Davis Slogans 2002

I am sure you have seen these. But if not, enjoy!



Choose your favorite, or create your own!


< "Davis in 2002: Ich bin ein Bulb-dimmers."
< "Davis in 2002: Power to some of the people!"
< "Davis in 2002: The tunnel at the end of the blight!"
< "Davis in 2002: Gazpacho and candlelight dinners."
< "Davis -- Angela or Gray, it doesn't matter -- in 2002."
< "Davis in 2002: Carpe nocturna!"
< "Davis in 2002: What you see is what you get"
< "Davis in 2002: Iceberg? What iceberg?"
< "Davis in 2002: Back to basics -- rocks, sticks, flint."
< "Davis in 2002: A kite and a key for every house."
< "Davis in 2002: Made in the shade."
< "Davis in 2002: Think of it as camping."
< "Davis in 2002: 'Survivor' comes home."
< "Davis in 2002: A thousand points of light, give or take a thousand."
< "Davis in 2002: Second rate deserves a second chance."
< "Davis in 2002: Celebrate futility."
< "Davis in 2002: Batteries not included."
< "Davis in 2002: A windmill for every home."
< "Davis in 2002: Be all that you can't see."
< "Davis in 2002: An army of one."
< "Davis in 2002: An army of none."
< "Davis in 2002: I've not yet begun to blight."
< "Davis in 2002: Keep the good times rolling!"
< "Davis in 2002: Ask yourself: Are you better off today than you were
< years ago?'"
< "Davis in 2002: Your bridge to the 18th century."
< "Davis in 2002: Come over to the Dark Side."
< "Davis in 2002: Now he'll solve the traffic problem."
< "Davis in 2002: It wasn't me."
< "Davis in 2002: You can't fall off the floor."
< "Davis in 2002: Nowhere to go but up."
< "Davis in 2002: Stick with the devil you know."
< "Davis in 2002: Make love, not power."
< "Davis in 2002: Embrace the night."
< "Davis in 2002: Moving forward at the speed of a 28K modem."
< "Davis in 2002: Dead man talking."
< "Davis in 2002: If the light ain't lit, you must acquit."
< "Davis in 2002: Bringing back day baseball."
< "Davis in 2002: Power? We don't need no stinking power."
< "Davis in 2002: Read my lips: No new power."
< "Davis in 2002: Reach for the curb."
< "Davis in 2002: Got power?"
< "Davis in 2002: 58,000,000 French can't be wrong."
< And, finally, "A vote for Davis is a vote for morbid curiosity."