Enron Mail

Subject:Govt Affairs staffing, budgets, and org. charts
Cc:j..kean@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, elizabeth.linnell@enron.com
Bcc:j..kean@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, elizabeth.linnell@enron.com
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 06:05:11 -0800 (PST)

Jim: Attached are two Gov't. Affairs Org. charts, the first being the corpo=
rate structure( led by me) that needs to be approved by Whalley and Kean; t=
he second chart being for ENA/EES ( led by Steffes) that is in the process=
of being approved by the Offices of the Chair of both business units. The =
corporate budget is approximately $2.575 million( seven professionals and t=
wo support staff) while the EES/ENA budget is approximately $6.425 million(=
twenty one professionals and three support staff).(These budgets include =
a million or so of "mitigatable" real estate leases) The corporate staff wo=
uld do the following that I believe is absolutely essential( this reflects =
minimal staffing and " barebones" effort): 1) Management for Enron of regul=
atory approvals processes for PGE sale and Dynegy Acquisition and any other=
asset sales that may occur( 3-3.5 FTE);2) Retention of skeletal Washington=
Legislative presence(two employees with no outside services support) to en=
sure that Enron's interests on Capitol Hill and with the Administration are=
minimally protected and advanced. Issues include energy legislation(RTO's,=
etc..), CFTC-related issues; tax issues;etc....;3) .5-1.0 FTE to manage al=
l residual issues related to non EES/ENA businesses and issues; and 4) one =
person to mange all state legislative and local( including, but not limite=
d to Texas and the City of Houston) issues relating to entire company.=20
Jim Steffes will bring the EES/ENA budget to closure while I'll lo=
ok for direction from you and Steve as to how to quickly bring the corporat=
e piece to closure with Whalley. I can't emphasize enough that this is the =
absolute minimum staffing I could in good conscience recommend.(Overall,for=
North America this represents a 74% reduction in the budget 2001($33 milli=
on) to 2002($9 million) Thanks for all your help.