Enron Mail

Subject:meeting with Commissioner Nora Brownell
Cc:janine.migden@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, michael.roan@enron.com,l..nicolay@enron.com, donna.fulton@enron.com, a..hueter@enron.com
Bcc:janine.migden@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, michael.roan@enron.com,l..nicolay@enron.com, donna.fulton@enron.com, a..hueter@enron.com
Date:Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:33:46 -0700 (PDT)

Barbara and I had the opportunity to meet with FERC Commissioner Brownell, =
who was in Columbus today to speak at the Ohio Energy Summit.

Her presentation stressed the sea change at FERC and called for aggressive =
cooperation of all stakeholders to develop a common market design and inter=
connection procedures for all RTOs. Barbara and I were able to meet her af=
ter her presentation for a half hour or so, during which time she stated th=
at the common tariff she anticipated coming out of the RTO related discussi=
ons at FERC would likely prompt many lawsuits filed by the incumbent utilit=
ies. She urged, of course, that Enron be represented during the FERC RTO W=
eek discussions, which will be sharply focused on technical market structur=
e issues rather than governance.

We had the opportunity to discuss several Ohio-specific concerns, including=
the current complaints before the Ohio Commission regarding the incumbents=
' disregard of their agreements to serve all load under the same terms and =
conditions of the OATT. She took note of our points regarding the impact o=
f differential imbalance protocols and OASIS information posting, and sugge=
sted the upcoming RTO discussions would present the opportunity to discuss =
those and other issues generically. She also commended Ohio Chariman Schri=
ber for the interest he has expressed to her and to the Ohio congressional =
delegation in resolving wholesale electricity market issues. It was announ=
ced at the Summit by Governor Taft that Schriber will head a Federal Energy=
Policy Group to promote the establishment of wholesale markets that suppo=
rt a robust retail choice program for Ohio. Details on the formation of th=
e group are not yet public, but we are taking steps to assure that we are r=
epresented in the Group.