Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com
Subject:FW: This went out today
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 03:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Linda Robertson/NA/Enron on 05/11/2001 10:31 AM -----

David Lugar <DLugar@QuinnGillespie.com<
05/10/2001 04:30 PM

To: "Linda Robertson (E-mail)" <Linda.Robertson@enron.com<, "John Shelk
(E-mail)" <John.Shelk@enron.com<
Subject: FW: This went out today


This went out today from Majority Leader Armey to his Republican colleagues.

On message!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Gillespie
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: FW: This went out today


Addressing the Energy Deficit:
A Conflict of Visions
May 9, 2001

Dear Republican Colleague,

For the last eight years, we have had no coherent energy policy.
Former-Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson said last year in response to
rising gasoline prices, "We were caught off guard. We were asleep at the
wheel." Well it's time to wake up, and I think the Bush-Cheney
Administration is ringing the alarm bell.

As we get into the debate over how to get out of this energy
deficit, it is important to remember that Democrats have long advocated high
prices to curtail your energy consumption. Remember the Btu Tax? I do.
The current crisis is the culmination of both a neglect of real energy
solutions and a concrete plan to restrict supply and drive up prices.

This summer is the Democrat energy ideal, because it forces you out of your
car, to turn off your air-conditioning, and to dramatically change your
energy consumption habits. Their plan calls for a fuel quota for SUV's!
To me, this exemplifies the difference between their vision and ours.

* We're for modern technology solutions, abundant and affordable
energy, streamlining and innovation.
* They're for rationing energy, more government control, scarcity and
excessive sacrifice.

* We're for newer, cleaner, more abundant sources of energy to fuel
our high tech economy. Even traditional fuels like oil and gas can be
derived more safely, more cleanly, more efficiently.
* They're for controlling your consumption and imposing new government
mandates on energy.

* We're looking to the future and looking at comprehensive, reality
based solutions to a long-term problem.
* They're stuck in the past and looking for Jimmy Carter solutions
that led to gas lines, stagflation and malaise.

To me the choice is clear. We can recognize that we have a real problem and
look to real solutions, or we can stick our head in the sand, slap on a few
band-aids and falsely claim to have "solved the problem." I choose the



Office of Majority Leader Dick Armey
H-226 The Capitol
(202) 225-6600
"Ground Zero in the Fight for Tax Cuts!!!"