Enron Mail

To:kevin.presto@enron.com, mark.davis@enron.com, jeff.ader@enron.com,edward.baughman@enron.com, joe.gordon@enron.com, janelle.scheuer@enron.com, mbrown9@enron.com, mark.bernstein@enron.com, john.llodra@enron.com, george.wood@enron.com, paul.broderick@e
Subject:NSTAR Complaint and Northeast RTOs
Date:Thu, 24 May 2001 08:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

On May 14, NSTAR filed a complaint against Sithe and PG&E Trading, arguing=
that both have generation market power in the Northeastern Massachusetts Ar=
(NEMA) during times of transmission constraints and should not be permitted=
to sell power at market based rates in that region during times of=20
constraint. NSTAR contends that when transmission congestion occurs, the=
market in NEMA cannot be considered workably competitive since Sithe and PG=
own almost 90 percent (2,725 MW of the total 3,036 MW) of existing generati=
in NEMA. NSTAR alleges that, had competition existed from September 1, 199=
=01) May 31, 2000, the cost of congestion relief in NEMA would have been ar=
$2.3 million. Due to Sithe=01,s and PGE=01,s market power, however, the co=
st was=20
actually $56 million.

Due to this market power, NSTAR asks the Commission to: 1) revoke Sithe=
and PG&E=01,s market-based pricing authority during periods of transmission=
constraint in NEMA; 2) require Sithe and PG&E to divest some of their=20
generation if they wish to have market-based rates during these times of=20
constraint; 3) develop a formula based on unit operation characteristics an=
fuel costs in order to calculate the marginal cost of each unit for Sithe a=
PG&E; during times of constraint, these generators would be paid the higher=
of the energy market clearing price (ECP) or their marginal cost; 4) requi=
NE ISO to make all bid data, including unit operating characteristics,=20
available 90 days after the fact and allow for public disclosure of data,=
mitigation processes, and implementation of mitigation agreements; and 5)=
order Sithe and PG&E to refund all money collected by them in excess of the=
applicable NEPOOL ECP from the time when congestion became a problem in NEM=

The Commission is requesting comments and protests to be filed by June 4. =
will intervene in this proceeding in order to monitor it, but please let me=
know if you have any concerns or thoughts or would like us to take an activ=
role in this proceeding.

Also, PJM (including PJM West), New England and New York RTO proposals are =
FERC's agenda for Wednesday. Interestingly, FERC's agenda shows the New=20
England and New York RTO cases as being considered in one order. This may=
just be a typo on FERC's part, but we will research it.

We'll keep you posted.
