Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Various Media Cuttings, Enron Mentions
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 04:12:18 -0800 (PST)

FYI - goes to the issue of EU clearances
-----Original Message-----
From: enronmediacuttings@enron.com [mailto:enronmediacuttings@enron.com]
Sent: 19 November 2001 11:45
To: Dawson, Paul
Subject: Various Media Cuttings, Enron Mentions

Please click on the link below to view the following articles:- 1. Platts European Power Daily, "Dynegy, Enron may need EU green light"; 2. Platts European Natural Gas, "Enron, Dynegy may need EU approval"; 3. Argus European Natural Gas, "BG sees Storage sale completion this month"; 4. Wall St.Journal, "What Enron Did Right"; 5. FT, "Fears raised on Enron deal"; 6. FT, "Dynegy bid faces long wait"; 7. FT, "WestLB interested in Wessex Water"; 8. Mail on Sunday, "Centrica sets its sights on Wessex Water"; 9. Sunday Telegraph, "WestLB makes a grab for ?1bn Wessex Water"; 10. Independant on Sunday, "Wessex Water 'to be sold'"; 11. Investors Chronicle, "Enron relief at Dynegy offer"; 12. Economist, "See you in court";

19-Nov-2001 Various Various 108660 <http://livelinkeu.corp.enron.com/LiveLink/LiveLink.exe?func=doc.Fetch&;nodeId=2459363<