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Enron Mail |
FYI. It looks like we can move ahead with Karen in a temporary assignment,=
without her losing anything in the transition package offered by EBS. How= ever ... it may be more difficult to move her to the analyst position than = we thought. She is listed in peoplefinder as a senior admin., but she is a= ctually a number of pay levels below that ... . -----Original Message----- From: =09Kaufman, Paul =20 Sent:=09Monday, September 24, 2001 11:08 AM To:=09Hill, Jo Ann Subject:=09RE: Letter for Karen Huang Do we want say anything about not filling the administrative assistant posi= tion during the 30-day period--so she knows that she will "be considered" f= or the AA job if the evaluation for the professional position doesn't pan o= ut the way she wants it to? Also re: date. I want to know whether she's = interested in the assignment by October 31. Re: Rick. Yes. I think we need to send it along to him. =20 -----Original Message----- From: =09Hill, Jo Ann =20 Sent:=09Monday, September 24, 2001 10:40 AM To:=09Kaufman, Paul Subject:=09Letter for Karen Huang Paul -- please review and let me know if you'd like to make any revisions. = I can then send to Karen today. Also, do you need to run this by Rick? P= lease let me know if you'd like for me to discuss with him. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= --------------------------------- Karen -- as you are aware, your current position as Administrative Assistan= t to Scott Bolton will be ending as of Monday, October 1st, at which time y= ou are scheduled for 45 days of redeployment. As an alternative, the follo= wing option is being proposed: Due to the resignation of the Administrative Assistant in the Portland Gove= rnment Affairs office, Paul Kaufman and Alan Comnes have an immediate need = for an Administrative Assistant. We are also aware of your desire to advan= ce into a professional level position within the Government Affairs group. = In order to meet the objectives of both the office and your goals, we woul= d like to extend you the opportunity to work as the administrative assistan= t in the group for an initial 31-day assignment. During this period (Octob= er 1-31), you will fill the administrative needs of the department in addit= ion in allowing Paul to perform an evaluation of your skills and growth pot= ential into a professional role in Goverment Affairs. At the conclusion of= this assignment, if there is not a continued opportunity for you to contin= ue to work in the administrative assistant's role with the potential of fut= ure growth into a professional level position, you will then be allowed to = enter into your 45-day redeployment period. =20 Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this option or would= like to discuss further. I can be reached at 713-853-0363. Please let me know your decision no later than _____________= __ .