Enron Mail

Subject:Government Affairs Organizational Update
Date:Thu, 4 May 2000 10:14:00 -0700 (PDT)

If organizational changes that are announced together are expected to be=20
bound together by a common theme, then this announcement may fall a bit=20
short. The continuing growth of the demands placed upon the Government=20
Affairs organization has, however, necessitated certain modest organization=
shifts and additions, many of which have already occurred or have been in=
transition for the last several weeks. Rather than attempting to explain t=
rationale for each change in this memo, instead, I will briefly describe th=
(attached is a revised organizational chart and map), and offer to answer a=
questions anyone might have.

While Sue Nord will continue to report directly to me in the role of policy=
development and coordination, she has been and will be spending a=20
considerable amount of her time on broadband and communications issues and=
will also report to Scott Bolton and Donald Lassere in that capacity.
Steve Montovano will assume responsibility for an additional six southeaste=
states, including responsibility for SERC. Marchris Robinson and Tom=20
Chapman, who has agreed to join the group on a more permanent basis as a=20
Senior Regulatory Specialist, will report to Steve. Ron McNamara has also=
joined Steve=01,s group and will focus on the tight power pools in the Nort=
Janine Migden will assume responsibility for the states of Tennessee,=20
Arkansas, and Louisiana as well as issues related to TVA. Bill Moore will=
now report to Janine.
In order to assure more intraregional coordination in the West, Mary Hain,=
who supports ENA=01,s trading desk in Portland, now reports to Paul Kaufman=
With Kathleen Magruder=01,s recent departure to ResCo, we are actively sear=
for an individual to direct our efforts in Texas and Oklahoma as well as ou=
efforts at ERCOT and the Southeast Power Pool.
Scott Bolton and Donald Lassere have each done an outstanding job supportin=
Enron Broadband Services throughout the world these past months and will=20
share responsibility for directing those efforts in the Americas. They wil=
also assume responsibility within the group for Enron=01,s E-Commerce effor=
ts in=20
the Americas. In addition to Sue Nord, the group will consist of Tracy=20
McLaughlin, who supports Scott in Portland, Xi Xi, an analyst who joined us=
early this year in Houston and Lara Leibman who has just joined the group. =
Lara will also continue her activities relative to the Department of Justic=
and the Federal Trade Commission.
Ricardo Charvel, in addition to his responsibilities in Mexico, will assume=
overall responsibility for Central America, the Caribbean Basin as well as=
Columbia and Venezuela. Reporting to Ricardo are Alberto Levy, who is=20
primarily responsible for Venezuela and Columbia and Vinio Floris, who=20
recently joined us from Azurix, who will be primarily responsible for Centr=
America and the Caribbean Basin.
Tom Delaney will now report to Jeff Brown and will support him in our=20
continuing efforts to bring additional reform and standardization to=20
wholesale power markets in the U.S. Damon Harvey has also joined Jeff=01,s=
group as an analyst.
Gloria Ogenyi, Thane Twiggs and Robert Neustaedter have all joined Harry=20
Kingerski=01,s group to enhance that group=01,s ability to provide rates an=
d other=20
regulatory services throughout the Americas.
With Tom Reichelderfer=01,s departure, Susan Covino will be the sole coordi=
for the government affairs group=01,s contractual relationship with ResCo. =
Susan will also begin to get involved in other projects over the next sever=
The Federal Government Affairs group organization will have a flatter=20
organizational structure with each individual in the group reporting direct=
to Joe Hillings. Functional assignments, which are reflected on one of the=
attachments, have also been made in this group to bring additional focus to=
their efforts, with an increased emphasis on issues related to our energy,=
broadband services and e-commerce-based business activities and a refocusin=
of the group=01,s efforts in support of commercial groups globally to bette=
align them with the near and mid-term objectives of the regional commercial=
groups throughout the world. On a separate note, Tom Briggs will be joini=
the Federal Government Affairs group in Washington early this summer. We a=
pleased to have Tom, who has most recently been in London in the Enron Euro=
Government Affairs group, join the Federal Government Affairs team.

Please join me in welcoming, congratulating, and wishing well the individua=
noted in this memo.=20

One final thought. As we are quickly approaching the mid-point of the yea=
2000, we must stay constantly focused on our overall group objectives for=
the year as well as on our respective regional group objectives (see attach=
'Top 10' objectives for U.S. & Canada). With that said, the hard work and=
dedication of so many individuals in the group does not go unnoticed. As t=
group has grown, it has become increasingly difficult for me to visit the=
regions as frequently as I once did and to spend as much time on an=20
individual basis with many of you. My respect, gratitude and affection for=
the people in this group only grows, however, with time. Our collective=20
task, while both challenging and intellectually stimulating, is also quite=
daunting with both ever growing burdens and opportunities as the company=20
continues to grow and prosper. We must continue to work hard to meet our=
objectives, but we must also find a way to keep our work and jobs in their=
proper perspective and to have fun during the journey. Whatever I can do t=
help meet those objectives I will do, and, of course, am always open to=20
suggestions in that regard. =20

Thank you