Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Privileged & Confidential
Cc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, linda.robertson@enron.com
Bcc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, linda.robertson@enron.com
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 08:07:54 -0700 (PDT)

Jim, I spoke with Seab briefly on the current budget. As you are aware, the initial budget scope for the CA proceeding was rather limited, and a significant portion of that budget was a "catch all"- actually relating to the PAC NW proceeding and various trips to Houston and DC. Watkiss sees a more expanded role developing for Seab in the CA proceeding, given the issues and options that are arising. I have asked Seab to give us a breakdown of where we are right now on the current budget. I plan to meet with Seab and Watkiss next Wednesday to discuss scope of services further, and will get back to you. Ray

-----Original Message-----
From: Seabron Adamson [mailto:seabron.adamson@frontiereconomics.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:24 AM
To: Alvarez, Ray
Subject: Privileged & Confidential

Are you in your office today? We should have a chat sometime about budget
issues etc.


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Seabron Adamson
Frontier Economics Inc
Two Brattle Square
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Ph: (617) 354-0060
Fax: (617) 354-0640
