Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Reported consensus stimulus package out of Republican
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 15:14:11 -0700 (PDT)

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If we happen to get a refundable repeal of AMT, which we won't, that would be worth mucho many bucks. Still a long way from happening...at all. But progress is being made.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marti Thomas [mailto:MThomas@QuinnGillespie.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 5:15 PM
To: Robertson, Linda; Decker, Larry; 'btd2@daimlerchrysler.com';
Subject: Reported consensus stimulus package out of Republican
Leadership meeting today

Supposedly this has been signed off on by Leadership, Thomas and WH. (Don't
know about Senate R's)

Depreciation with 3-year, 30% expensing

amt repeal (likely permanent, and possibly, refundable)

Extenders, w emphasis on permanent subpart F

NOL carrybacks - 2 years to 4 years

Rate of 28% to 25% moved forward from 2006 to 2002

one year cost: 85 b., 10-year cost: 175 b.

Expected at Ways and Means friday and on the House Floor next week.

Heard earlier rumor mark might be available tonight (as opposed to clean
slate we'd been hearing earlier) and we are continuing to track that down.