Enron Mail

To:mike.curry@enron.com, jducote@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,cahn@enron.com, jason.wiesepape@enron.com, berney.aucoin@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, larry.jester@enron.com, joe.allen@enron.com, patrick.keene@enr
Subject:PUCT Protocols Order
Cc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,christi.nicolay@enron.com
Bcc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,christi.nicolay@enron.com
Date:Mon, 16 Apr 2001 05:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please find attached the PUCT order approving, with modifications, the ERCO=
Protocols. What follows is a brief summary of many of the points that=20
directly affect the ERCOT market. I will provide a complete summary and=20
timeline for response or request for rehearing on any of the issues later=
this week.

Two of the most noticeable departures from the Protocols was for the=20
Commission to ask for a review of the balanced schedule requirement and a=
departure from the current bilateral market to an LMP type market. The=20
Commission directed ERCOT to respond with the technical feasibility of=20
relaxing or eliminating the balanced schedule requirement. The other=20
departure from the ERCOT protocols by the Commission is in reference to loc=
or intrazonal congestion. The Commission states that if direct assignment =
the local congestion to the generating resources is not possible, they will=
consider other market options such as an LMP model. The Commission will=20
review both of these market concepts in September 2001.=20

The ERCOT Protocol Review Subcommittee will take the ordered protocols and=
start the process of Protocol Revision. Each of the revisions have been=20
assigned a completion date by the PUCT and can be found in schedule 4=20

The PUCT approved the ERCOT petition and Ordered the that the Protocols=20
should take effect June 1, 2001. The Commission state that the Protocols a=
fundamentally sound, however there are certain provisions that are boxed=20
(cannot take effect until the ERCOT system can accommodate them) as provide=
for in the Protocol Implementation Plan. ERCOT was directed to initiate a=
process to implement the boxed provisions as soon as possible. As for the=
rest of the changed required by the PUCT, a timeline was attached for the=
implementation of the protocol revisions.
Under the Protocols as filed, ERCOT had =01&sole discretion=018 for its con=
however, the PUCT will require ERCOT to exercise its discretion in a=20
=01&reasonable, nondiscriminatory manner.=018
Ancillary Services. The Protocols require ERCOT to procure the following=
Ancillary Services sequentially through an Auction: regulation down,=20
regulation up, responsive reserves and non-spinning reserves. The PUCT is=
concerned that the process results in the possibility of price reversals=20
where the clearing price for some A/S may be higher than other higher grade=
A/S services which may create incentives to game the system. The PUCT=20
directed ERCOT to amend the Protocols such that it will procure A/S through=
use of simultaneous optimization for assignment of resources to A/S product=
and will set prices for each A/S to the corresponding shadow price. The PU=
also ordered to ERCOT to amend the protocols such that it will use a two=20
settlement system for the procurement of A/S. The day ahead period=20
procurement will settle and announce at 13:30 with the second to take place=
during the adjustment period for each hour. Until the system is capable of=
the two-settlement system, ERCOT must amend the system to only allow downwa=
adjustment of prices for unselected A/S bids and allow unselected bids by a=
QSE to be withdrawn only in descending order of bid prices. The wrinkle he=
is that the ERCOT system purges unselected bids and will require a manual=
tracking of the bids. A =01&spot check=018 for the activity has been discu=
ssed. =20
Finally, ERCOT is to consider and report whether or not ERCOT should make=
conditional selections of A/S bids (from a QSE portfolio) and then possible=
deselect based on location and not price after the QSE resource plans are=
Market Solution. Under the ERCOT protocols, a Market Solution for reducing=
congestion exists when at least three unaffiliated resources have available=
capacity and the ability to submit a bid to ERCOT to solve a circumstance o=
local congestion and no one bidder is essential to solve the congestion. T=
PUCT would like the protocol amended to require that a =01&market solution=
exists only when at least three bids are received from unaffiliated resourc=
Out of Merit Order (OOM) Service. The PUCT directs ERCOT to use the same=
ratcheting sown mechanism for out of merit order capacity payments to out o=
merit order energy payments that are based on the 18,000 heat rates.
Reliability Must-Run Service. The PUCT would like to have additional=20
incentives for generation entities to enter into RMR service contracts and=
that once covered, the until will be efficiently utilized. As such, ERCOT =
to amen the Protocols to give an RMR unit owner the additional option for=
retaining 10% of net positive margins for energy generated in excess of the=
amount that the unit is obligated to produce under its RMR contract.
Uninstructed Deviations. In order to encourage =01&good price chasing=018 =
discourage =01&bad price chasing,=018 ERCOT was ordered to amend the Protoc=
ols to=20
apply the ex ante MCPE for balancing energy set ten minutes for the beginni=
of a settlement interval to all instructed deployment of balancing energy=
during the settlement interval and use the second subsequent interval ex=20
poste MCPE, which will be set five minutes after the end of the first=20
settlement interval, for uninstructed deviations during the first load=20
Bid Caps. During the transition period, until July 4, 2004, there shall b=
a generation resource bid cap of $1,000 per MWh for energy that ERCOT=20
procures. The bid cap does not apply to load resources. ERCOT was also=20
directed to develop and submit for possible approval a bid cap on capacity=
bids for generation resource offering to provide replacement reserve servic=
Balance Schedule Requirement. The current Protocols require QSEs submit a=
balanced schedule, however, the PUCT intends to consider in September, 2001=
the policy implications of the balanced schedule requirement, and whether t=
requirement should be relaxed or eliminated. ERCOT was also directed to=20
report on the technical implications of relaxing or eliminating the balance=
schedule requirement.
Inter-zonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to convert to the=
direct assignment of inter-zonal congestion costs, and base direct assignme=
of inter-zonal congestion costs on an adjustable commercial model that=20
employs operational shift factors on the CSCs. The Commission will also=20
require ERCOT to publish advisory updates or forecasts of the shift factors=
corresponding to CSCs to reflect predicted operating conditions and=20
contingencies. ERCOT's obligation to guarantee full zone-to-zone- congesti=
cost insurance to those who acquire TCRs in proportions based on forecasted=
shift factors, shall be eliminated. The result of this is that a TCR=20
portfolio that provides a full hedge of inter-zonal congestion cost based o=
the forecasted shift factors will not guarantee a full hedge against the=20
actual congestion charges. The Commission does not like ERCOT to be in the=
business of insuring transmission users against changes in shift factors. =
The Commission also feels that =01&use-it-or-loose-it=018 feature will resu=
lt in=20
inefficient usage of the transmission system. As such the Commission direc=
ERCOT to amends the protocols to define TCRs as pure financial instruments=
and eliminate =01&use it or loose it=018. As for the TCR Auction, a single=
combinatorial auction is more appropriate. Bids can take the form of=20
price-quantity pairs for TCR portfolios or single TCRs.
Preassigned TCRs. MOUs and Coops that own or have a long-term annual=20
capacity and energy commitment from a specific =01&remote=018 generation re=
shall be preassigned TCRs. Other Stakeholders argued that the preassigning=
of TCRs reduces the amount available to the market and increases congest=20
costs borne by other market participants. The Protocols, however, will be=
changed to state that the preassigned TCRs are subject to change or=20
elimination at any time upon ERCOT Board of Directors approvals or Commissi=
Intrazonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to require direct=
assignment in intrazonal congestion management costs through a usage fee=20
based on the flow over the congested intrazonal interfaces. The usage fee=
shall apply to the generation resources that cause the congestion fee. The=
net revenues from the usage fee shall be distributed, or credited against=
uplift charges. However, the Commission advises that to the extent feasibl=
under the zonal, portfolio-based model embodied in the Protocols, ERCOT sha=
promptly notify the commission, so that the Commission can promptly conside=
ordering the implementation of other alternative congestion management=20
methods, particularly locational marginal pricing.

Thane Thomas Twiggs
Enron Corp
1400 Smith Street
Houston, Texas 77002

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<<Timeline-Final Order1.ppt<<

- 23220fo.doc
- 23220fo, Attachment 5.xls
- 23220fo, Attachment 6.xls
- 23220fo, Attachment 7.doc
- 23220fo, Attachment 8.doc