Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Accomplishments - November 2000 - April 2001 - Europe
Date:Wed, 20 Jun 2001 15:33:00 -0700 (PDT)


I attach a note I wrote for the head of Continental Trading that lays out the work that I -
with support from the origination and regulatory collegeauges- have been engaged in. It is reasonably current.
The examples of transaction support that have resulted in $$, are from the second half of 2000. The first six months
of this year have been focussed on advocacy work related to the revision of the German energy
law, negotiating a network agreement for gas, supporting EU investigations in abusive practices
and building up stronger political relationships through our trade association - EFET.

The deal support efforts from this year thus far relate to:

Significant support provided to the German origination team to secure transport across Germany,
Switzerland, and Italy to provide gas to our first Italian customers. My work was focussed on
getting the Swiss gas company to the negotiating table (something they were very reluctant to do) through
regulatory/legal pressures. Currently doing the same to secure TPA to the Trans Austria gas pipeline and
the Baltic Cable - again employing our now well-established regulatory and legal pressures (bad cop tactics)
Gas pipeline access in Austria will allow us to significantly increase volume supplied to our Italian customers
Baltic access will allow us to begin actively arbitraging power price differentials between Germany and
Nordpool. Each of these will be firsts for newcomers in the European market.

I hope this helps, Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: Ibrahim, Amr
Sent: 13 June 2001 12:10
To: Dawson, Paul; Wood, Doug; Styles, Peter; Hennemeyer, Paul; Haizmann, Jan
Subject: Accomplishments - November 2000 - April 2001 - Europe

Please find attached the accomplishments for your group compiled twice, once as a whole, and the second with the items that do have a money value. Please feel free to discuss its contents as I would like to submit to Rick this coming Tuesday (June 19th). It is noted that the first worksheet is explaining, in details, the contribution of colleagues who are seeing some difficulty in attaching a dollar value to their work.

Best regards

9198200-88643, or email

<< File: Europe.xls <<