Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, sue.nord@enron.com, steve.montovano@enron.com,janine.migden@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, jean.ryall@enron.com, aleck.dadson@enron.com, harry.kingerski@enron.com, linda.robertson@enron.com, lisa.yoho@enron.com
Subject:RE: Needed ASAP!!!!Two
Cc:d..steffes@enron.com, carmen.perez@enron.com, kirsten.bellas@enron.com,laurie.knight@enron.com, lysa.tracy@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com, lisa.assaf@enron.com, rubena.buerger@enron.com, lora.sullivan@enron.com, geriann.warner@enron.com, ginger.d
Bcc:d..steffes@enron.com, carmen.perez@enron.com, kirsten.bellas@enron.com,laurie.knight@enron.com, lysa.tracy@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com, lisa.assaf@enron.com, rubena.buerger@enron.com, lora.sullivan@enron.com, geriann.warner@enron.com, ginger.d
Date:Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

I would like to recommend the attached file as a starting point to add the accomplishments from May 2001 till present. It is the compilation of GA accomplishment up to end of April 2001. Brian Gottfredson and I shall compile all your additions in the attached file and arrive at the updated value. Kindly cc Brian and I in your communication.

The second step is to go through a tighter edit to arrive at a fully defensible valuation.

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: Dernehl, Ginger On Behalf Of Shapiro, Richard
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:38 AM
To: Nord, Sue; Montovano, Steve; Migden, Janine; Kaufman, Paul; Ryall, Jean; Dadson, Aleck; Kingerski, Harry; Robertson, Linda; Ibrahim, Amr; Yoho, Lisa
Cc: Steffes, James D.; Perez, Carmen; Bellas, Kirsten; Knight, Laurie; Tracy, Lysa; Hunter, Bevin; Assaf, Lisa; Buerger, Rubena; Sullivan, Lora; Warner, Geriann; Dernehl, Ginger; Shapiro, Richard; Kean, Steven J.
Subject: Needed ASAP!!!!
Importance: High

NEEDED....from November 2000 to present, all major accomplishments and transactions e.g., advocacy, risk mitigation, transaction support & creation and your best attempts to value these items are needed ASAP to myself, Jim Steffes & Steve Kean. Also, please include any current efforts you are working on that may result in value created or loss of value avoided.
