Enron Mail

Subject:Re: April 24 YPO presentation in Houston
Date:Wed, 11 Apr 2001 07:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

Tiffany, I'm waiting to hear from Jeff to see if he wants to speak to each of
the panelists separately as I am finding it difficult (impossible so far!) to
find a time that all are available. Too many busy people. I shall be back
in touch with you as soon as I can have the conversation with Jeff. My
apologies for the delays and slow communication. Thanks very much for your
patience. SRS

Tiffany Roach <troach@Greylock.com< on 04/11/2001 01:59:32 PM
To: "'Jeff.Skilling@enron.com'" <Jeff.Skilling@enron.com<

Subject: April 24 YPO presentation in Houston

Hi Jeff:

We will have to find another time to schedule a phone call with David...he
will not be available on Thursday Afternoon.? Do you have any time on
Thursday 4/19 after 3PM EST?

Tiffany A. Roach
Executive Assistant to David Aronoff
(617) 423-5525 x213

-----Original Message-----
From: David Aronoff
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:46 AM
To: 'Jeff.Skilling@enron.com'
Cc: Tiffany Roach
Subject: RE: April 24 YPO presentation in Houston


Unfortunately I jump on a plane Thur at 430pm EDT and don't think that leaves
enough of a gap to make Jeff's availability. Can we try to reschedule

I have copied my assistant, Tiffany Roach, on this message to help



David B. Aronoff???????? email: daronoff@greylock.com
General Partner???????? phone: 617 423 5525 x220
Greylock Partners????????? fax: 617 482 0059
One Federal St??????????? edial: http://davidaronoff.edial800.com
Boston, MA 02110

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Skilling@enron.com [mailto:Jeff.Skilling@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 3:44 PM
To: kcompton@kpcb.com; darnoff@greylock.com; johnt@austinventures.com
Subject: April 24 YPO presentation in Houston
Importance: High


I'm writing on behalf of Jeff Skilling regarding scheduling a 20-minute
conference call to discuss the above referenced presentation/panel
discussion at the Houston Chapter YPO (Young Presidents Organization)
meeting.? Jeff is available the afternoon of Thursday, April 12, between
the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CDT).? Please let me know what your
availability is during this time period, and I'll be back in touch to nail
down an exact time or to suggest an alternative date/time.

Thank you very much for your commitment to this event and for your patience
in awaiting the details.? I look forward to hearing from each of you soon.

Best regards,
Sherri Sera
Assistant to Jeff Skilling
713.646.8381 (fax)

Sent to:
David Arnoff, Greylock
Kevin Compton, KPCB Team Partners
John Thornton, Austin Ventures