Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Stanford/McKinsey survey invitation letter
Date:Fri, 30 Mar 2001 08:41:00 -0800 (PST)

Christie, do Sherri or I need to do anything to send the survey from Jeff's


From: Christie Patrick@ECT on 03/28/2001 07:01 PM
To: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Gerry Gibson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Milton Brown/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy
Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Stanford/McKinsey survey invitation letter

Jeff and Sherri,

As Jeff and I descussed briefly on the Dallas trip, Enron is involved ina
5-yr research relationship sponsored by Stanford, in conjunction with
McKinsey entitled "GLOBE"--it's looking at how Global companies manage
themselves, internal communication networks, etc.

Part of the yearly plan is to conduct an emplyee survey of approximately 100
"global" employees. I've taken the survey myself--it takes less than 15
minutes--it's very easy and doesn't require revealing anything sensitive we'd
be concerned about. Clicking on the invitation letter will provide a direct
link to the survey, so please feel free to review the survey itself, or even
take it.

We can best benefit from the data gathered if we get a good return on our
survey. We're likely to have the best chance of a good return if the
invitation letter to participate comes from Jeff.

Would you please read the attached letter? If you give it your consent and
approval, we can arrange to have the survey sent from Jeff's mailbox.

Please let me know--thanks!!


----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2001 06:48 PM -----

Milton Brown@ENRON
03/28/2001 05:45 PM

To: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Gerry Gibson/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: survey invitation

Hi Christie !!

Please send me the survey invitation letter. Also, I will send you a copy
of the random list of respondents for your review tonight. As I mentioned to
Gerry, the survey is already developed and hosted by the Stanford/McKinsey
group; therefore, there is no additional development work required.
Typically, I would use our in-house survey tool, confirmit, to build and
deploy surveys. This is a special case where the survey link is already in
place. My specific deliverable for you would include the list of 100 random
individuals and a mechanism for the deployment. The same manner in which
Gerry and I received the survey can be used for the 100 random individuals.
That is, simply mailing the survey link along with the invitation letter to
each individual via Lotus Notes. This is not a typical function of my area;
however, I am glad to lend assistance in this case.

In the future, should you require a survey built from "scratch"
(so-to-speak), I will be able to assist you in that process. Thank you for
your patience.


From: Christie Patrick@ECT on 03/28/2001 04:43 PM
To: Milton Brown/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Gerry Gibson/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Re: survey invitation

Hi Milton and Gerry!!

I can prepare the survey invitation letter. Shall I send it to both of you?
When do you think we can expect to be ready to send the survey?

Thanks to both of you!
