Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: Kathy Nethercutt Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:16 PM To: Glenn Dubin Subject: FW: please see attached. Thank you for your interest in the Houston Technology Center Kathy B. Nethercutt Houston Technology Center 1200 Smith, Suite 2940 Houston, TX 77002 Ph: 713.658.1750 Fx: 713.658.1744 www.houstontech.org knethercutt@houstontech.org -----Original Message----- From: Michelle Weisblatt [mailto:mweisblatt@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:49 AM To: knethercutt@houstontech.org Subject: please see attached. Good Morning. Pardon the lengthy email, but there's lots to report. We had a great meeting this morning, with tremendous enthusiasm for where we're going. Please find below a recap as well as some action items going forward. We had three companies present: Metrixx, Molecular Electronics Corporation, and Telecare International. Those of you who are interested in attending follow up meetings were encouraged to sign a sign in sheet with your email address. If you are interested in attending the follow up meetings or receiving details on the results of those follow ups and did not sign up, please send an email to Kathy Nethercutt at knethercutt@houstontech.org, . Once we have a list of names, we will forward information specific to each company to those angels who have indicated interest. The scheduled meeting times are as follows: Metrixx: Monday, 8/20 8:00-10:00 AM MEC: Wednesday, 8/22 2:00-4:30 Telecare: Tuesday, 8/21 7:30-10:00 In the case of Molecular Electronics, please ignore the $250k minimum. There are Angels already working to put together an LLC to pool capital for purposes of meeting this minimum. The next HAN Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday morning, at the Houstonian, from 7:00-9:00 AM in the regular location. Kerry Brooks will follow up with a reminder email. Also, we are working on putting together a schedule of Steering Committee meetings so that we can all mark our calendars in advance. The next HAN meeting will be on September 19. The location of that meeting is yet to be determined, but will be announced via a follow up email. In the next meeting, The Steering Committee will deliver the following: **An explanation on the specific structure of HAN as an organization **An overview of the deal-flow process and how companies get presented/moved through to investment **Details of how HAN will overcome Member liability Please also note, that HTC will be having an event at the Houstonian on September 20, for Angels who are interested in becoming more involved in biotechnology investment opportunities. Because of our medical center and the growing, national interest in biotech, Houston-based Angels are uniquely positioned to take advantage of these opportunities. More details will follow, directly from HTC. Lastly, I have attached an Angel application in Word format. Please feel free to complete/submit the application electronically to Kathy at HTC. HTC can accept payment for the $1,000 membership fee via credit card, over the telephone. Remember that those Angels who apply prior to the end of the next meeting will have their dues paid through 2002. Also, please pass the application on to those ACCREDITED investors who may be interested in joining or any that you have already recommended whose contact information may not be in the HAN database. Again, I'm looking forward to helping build a great Network. Let's keep the momentum going! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger http://phonecard.yahoo.com/