Enron Mail

Subject:HBS June 14 - Final Event
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 11:32:02 -0700 (PDT)

Our June 14 dinner is our official final club event of the season. We hope
you choose to attend and bring your spouse or guest to this event and enjoy
an awesome meal and an excellent presentation.

TOPIC: An Update on Harvard Business School

SPEAKER: Professor Howard Stevenson, Sarofim-Rock Professor of
Business Administration, Harvard Business School

DATE: Thursday, June 14, 2001

PLACE: Brennan's Restaurant, 3300 Smith (713-522-9223)
Dinner will be served by 6:30 pm

TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

COST: Sustaining Members: $35
Regular Members and Guests: $45

RSVP: By NOON on June 12, 2001
(Please help us by observing deadline)

Howard H. Stevenson is Sarofim-Rock Professor of Business Administration at
Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration. The
Sarofim-Rock Chair was established in 1982 to provide a continuing base for
research and teaching in the field of entrepreneurship. Dr. Stevenson is
its first incumbent. The program for entrepreneurial studies uses a
multi-disciplinary approach to the creation and maintenance of
entrepreneurial focus of business organizations. He is a Senior Associate
Dean and Director of External Relations and Chair of the Latin American
Advisory Group. He also served as Senior Associate Dean and Director of
Financial and Information Systems for Harvard Business School from 1991 to
1994. He has been chairperson of the Owner/President Manager Program in
Executive Education and of the Publications Review Board for the Harvard
Business School Press of Harvard Business School Publishing Company.

He was a founder and first president of the Baupost Group, Inc. which
manages partnerships investing in liquid securities for wealthy families.
When he resigned from active management, Baupost assets had grown to over
$400 million. He is now chairman of the Baupost Fund, a registered
investment company. From 1978 to 1982, Professor Stevenson was Vice
President of Finance and Administration and a Director of Preco
Corporation, a large privately-held manufacturing company. In addition, in
1970-71, he served as Vice President of Simmons Associates, a small
investment banking firm specializing in venture financing.

Prior to 1978, he held various academic appointments at Harvard University,
specializing in Real Property Asset Management and General Management. He
received his B.S. in mathematics, with distinction, from Stanford and his
M.B.A., with high distinction, and D.B.A. degrees from Harvard University.
He was a Thomas Watson National Merit Scholar and a recipient of the ALCOA
and Ford Foundation Fellowships for graduate study.

He has authored, edited or co-authored six books and forty-one articles
including New Business Ventures and the Entrepreneur, with Michael J.
Roberts and H. Irving Grousbeck; Policy Formulation and Administration,
with C.R. Christensen, N. Berg and M. Salter; The Entrepreneurial Venture
with William Sahlman, 'The Importance of Entrepreneurship' and 'Capital
Market Myopia,' with William Sahlman; 'A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,'
and 'Preserving Entrepreneurship As You Grow.' 'The Heart of
Entrepreneurship', 'How Small Companies Should Deal with Advisers' and 'Why
Be Honest If Honesty Doesn't Pay' have appeared in The Harvard Business
Review. Other scholarly papers of his have appeared in Sloan Management
Review, Real Estate Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of
Business Strategy, Strategic Management Journal and elsewhere. He has also
authored, co-authored or supervised over one-hundred fifty cases at Harvard
Business School. He is the author of Do Lunch or Be Lunch: The Power of
Predictability in Creating Your Future, published by HBS Press. His latest
book, co-authored with David Amis, is Winning Angels: The Seven
Fundamentals of Early Stage Investing.

He is currently a director of Bessemer Securities Corporation, Camp Dresser
& McKee, Landmark Communications, Sheffield Steel, and The Baupost Group,
Inc. as well as a trustee for several private trusts and foundations. He is
a director of Sudbury Valley Trustees where he served as president from
1996 to 2000. He is currently a trustee of the Boston Ballet and a member
of the Harvard Club of New York City.

Reservations for this HBS event can be made by phone, fax, email or by
using our website "hbshouston.org".

Please mark your calendars for the following future HBS events:
* May 31 - Social, location Black Lab, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
* June 7 - Breakfast Club meets at ROCC at 7:00 am
* June 21 - Breakfast Club meets at ROCC at 7:00 am

I hope you choose to join us for this special final event.

Kind regards,
George Laflin, President
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Reservations accepted until NOON on June 12,
2001. Fax following information to 281/424-4770, e-mail
dottie@kerr-solutions.com, or call 281/424-3084.

Member Name:
Guest Name:
Sustaining Members: $35
Regular Members and Guests: $45
Payment: Credit Card (Visa, MC, Amex)
Card Number:
Exp Date: