Enron Mail

Subject:Join Ventaso for the free online seminar: Channel Sales
Date:Fri, 3 Aug 2001 12:12:48 -0700 (PDT)

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Dear Jeffrey K.,=20
[IMAGE] To get ahead in today's highly competitive market, it is key t=
o effectively leverage all of your channels. Learn how today's leaders are=
putting in place processes and technologies to drive revenue through chan=
nel partners. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Sheryl Kingstone , Program Manager=
, The Yankee Group will discuss the current state of the marketplace and =
the emergence of new technologies designed to improve the distribution of =
sales information and communications to every revenue-generating channel. =
[IMAGE] Tim Riesterer , Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Vent=
aso will discuss how Ventaso's solution combines a unique methodology and =
web-based software system for easily creating and delivering personalized,=
relevant sales messaging -- based on the specific business requirements =
of each prospect - across all of your sales channels. [IMAGE] Morag L=
ucey , Senior Director of Partner Marketing, Nortel Networks, will discuss=
how Nortel improved distribution and management of sales support informat=
ion through their Channel partner organization. [IMAGE] To regist=
er for the web seminar, please point your browser to http://www.ventaso.co=
m/webinar or, email: webinar@ventaso.com If you have any further questi=
ons, please call us at 866-VENTASO (866-836-8276). =09