Enron Mail |
Jeff =20 FYI - Strong and colorful words from a powerful man. =20 Given Lockyer's abilities, position and and ambition, I would advise build= ing bridges and mending fences while this is still at the taunting stage. = He wants your attention. Knowing him, I'd say that a direct and friendly= call from you or Ken today, followed by a meeting would go a long way. =20 Kevin 213-926-2626 =20 =20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Politics Entertainment music ,= movies , art , TV , restaurants [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jo= bs , homes , cars , rentals , classifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shop= ping [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] California= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TOP STORIES * Bishop Asked to Quit for Defying Churc= h * Wide-Ranging Debate Reveals Much Accord * Limit on New Sea Wall= s Urged MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] STORIES BY DATE FOR THIS SECT= ION 5/23 | 5/22 | 5/21 | 5/20 | 5/19 | 5/18 | 5/17 [IMAGE] = DAILY SECTIONS Front Page "A" Section California [IMAGE] Business = Sports Calendar [IMAGE] So. Cal. 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Living Special Report= s Sunday Opinion Tech Times Times Poll Traffic Weather Workplace SI= TE MAP [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SHOP 'TIL YOUR LAPTOP DROPS [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shopping [IMAGE] Search Prod= ucts Stores [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] Wednesday, May 23, 2001 | [IMAGE]Print this story [I= MAGE] Lockyer Fires Earthy Attack at Energy Exec By JENIFER WARREN, Ti= mes Staff Writer SACRAMENTO--In a dramatic escalation of energy cr= isis rhetoric, California Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer this week suggested the = chairman of a Houston-based power company should be locked in a prison cel= l with an amorous, tattooed inmate named Spike. Lockyer, who is inve= stigating whether energy firms have manipulated prices on the wholesale el= ectricity market, made the comment in an interview with the Wall Street Jo= urnal that appeared Tuesday. "I would love to personally escort [En= ron Corp. Chairman Kenneth] Lay to an 8-by-10 cell that he could share wit= h a tattooed dude who says, 'Hi my name is Spike, honey,' " Lockyer said. = Enron spokesman Mark Palmer called the comment "counterproductive rh= etoric" that "does not merit a response." But other industry repres= entatives denounced the remark as "outrageous," especially because neither= Lockyer's office nor any investigative panel has filed charges against En= ron or other companies. "You'd expect that the state's chief legal c= ounsel would file charges first and make public statements second," said G= ary Ackerman of the Western Power Trading Forum, an association of energy = producers and traders. "We're very disappointed with his choice of words, = which don't exactly fit the profile of his office." In an interview = Tuesday, Lockyer said he decided to "ratchet up" the commentary to "put [e= nergy companies] on notice" that "we are not afraid of them and have the w= ill to prosecute." "What I'm trying to do is let these economic buc= caneers understand that if we catch them, they're going to be prosecuted,"= Lockyer said. "Just because they're multimillionaires and run big corpora= tions, it doesn't provide them with immunity." The attorney general = is investigating whether power company officials tried to maximize profits= through illegal manipulation of prices on the wholesale energy market. S= everal panels, including a state Senate committee and the California Publi= c Utilities Commission, are conducting similar probes. On Tuesday, L= ockyer announced that three power companies have agreed to turn over docum= ents subpoenaed months ago by his investigators. The attorney general went= to court to obtain the documents after the companies failed to meet a Mar= ch 19 deadline to hand them over. Lockyer said the forthcoming docu= ments would help his office as it sifts through mountains of evidence in s= earch of possible violations of antitrust or unfair business practice laws= . "Evidence is accumulating that certainly infers illegal activity,"= Lockyer said. "But we need to make sure it's compelling and clear enough = that you can convince a jury." Lockyer said he singled out Enron's = chairman because the Houston company is the world's largest energy trader. = At least one observer found Lockyer's comments refreshingly candid.= Harry Snyder, a senior advocate of Consumers Union, said, "Let Lockyer be= Lockyer." * * * Times staff writer Dan Morain contributed to this s= tory. Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories = about: Bill Lockyer , Enron Corp , Kenneth L Lay , Utilitiy Rates , En= ergy - California , Utilities - California , Electricity . You will not = be charged to look for stories, only to retrieve one. =09 News Politics Entertainment music , movies , art , TV , restaurants = [IMAGE] Business Travel Marketplace jobs , homes , cars , rentals , cla= ssifieds [IMAGE] Sports Commentary Shopping [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 G= et Copyright Clearance Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times Click for permi= ssion to reprint (PRC# 1.528.2001_000043205) =09 [IMAGE] =09