Enron Mail |
Here is my initial draft of my section of the organizational memo. Jeff I h= ave copied you so that you know what I am thinking. The bold sections rela= te to changes which I believe are still outstanding.=20 Kevin =20 ----- Forwarded by Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications on 06/11/01 01:44 PM -= ---- =09Kevin Hannon 06/11/01 01:22 PM =09 To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron cc: Jef= f Skilling/Corp/Enron bcc: Subject: Memo=09 In order to provide increased focus and greater efficiency to our internati= onal activities we have formed a new business unit, Enron Emerging Market Services (EEMS). This new unit will be headed by Kevin Hannon acting as CE= O, and Jim Hughes as COO and will report to the Enron Office of the Chairma= n. The activities of this unit will consist of all those previous pursued = by the former Enron Global Assets group, with the exception of those relati= ng to Dahbol Power Corp (DPC) in India. Rebecca McDonald will continue to = manage Enron's ownership interest in DPC and will now also report directly = to the Enron Office of the Chairman. In addition, EEMS will also manage al= l activites formerly residing in Azurix with the exception of Wessex Water = Company which will continue to report to Stan Horton, CEO Enron Transportat= ion Services. Lastly, while EEMS will now manage all wholesale activities = in the Southern Cone, inclusive of Brazil, significant merchant activity ha= s, and continues to occur in this region. For this reason John Lavorato, C= EO Enron Americas(does name change to North America?) will continue to over= see all energy risk management activities in Brazil during this period of t= ransition. We congratulate Kevin, Jim, and Rebecca on their new assignment= s.